You've spent this entire thread advocating flying off the handle at peds pour encourager les autres. As I quoted - you advocated exaggerating the situation and making it as unpleasant an experience as possible, so that they remember all the better.
Ah! I see ! Yes, this was basically what I was putting forward, making the action of putting someone's safety at risk an unpleasant experience, not a pleasant one.
Then when I point out that this is basically advocating intimidation as a form of manipulation - not, as you would have it, a spontaneous, unplanned natural response (which by definition you wouldn't consciously try to embellish) - you accuse me of calling you Hitler.
I think the (not entirely serious) Hitler comment was in response to your silly idea that I want so badly to punish the rest of the world for not meeting [my] exacting standards (!)
(Good god !) :D
Anyhow, like I say this is going nowhere.
If someone is careless enough to walk out into the road I will likely shout at them, if this happens to you, you may take a different approach, that's just about the whole of the situation. You may, if you want, attempt to present my view as 'punishing the world, social engineering, scaring people into compliance, tantamount to interrogation and so on, but I don't see it as anything other than people getting pissed off at stupid recklessness.
Anyhow, stay safe, no hard feelings :)
It is ugly. I have no problems with having a word, and do so myself. Sometimes I swear when I'm startled. But I find it very difficult to countenance going 'FEAR UP HARSH' on every absent-minded ped who happens to make a mistake - it just doesn't seem like a constructive or pleasant way to treat fellow people.
I had no clue what 'Fear up harsh' might be so looked it up.
An interrogation technique originating in the current Iraqi conflict used by the American military and the CIA involving violent threats, yelling and screaming and hurling of objects in order to instill fear in the prisoner.
[insert rolling eyes smiley !]
:) Good grief !
Whilst that is obviously conversational hyperbole, no, I do not think shouting at people is pleasant, but my intention is not to make the act of risking someone else's safety pleasant in any way whatsoever.
Again, I just don't think it's very nice to advocate intimidation as a form of social engineering.
Fuck me ! Why stop at social engineering, why not accuse me of social Darwinism or even a touch of Eugenics ? ;P
So . . .
I come out of the pub pissed - whilst texting on my mobile I wonder thoughtlessly into the road without looking - some cyclist swerves to avoid me, hits the ground and does himself and his bike some damage. Picking himself up off the ground and gathering up the contents of his bag he calls me a 'stupid fucking idiot' and that 'I should fucking look where I am going'
What should my reaction be here ?
Should I feel embarrassed, a bit shocked by the whole incident, rudely reminded that I should really look out for both myself and others when around traffic, should I appologise and accept his (justified and entirely natural) anger at me ?
Or should I accuse him of using intimidation as a form of social engineering ? Should I go further and, as he picks bits of grit out of the palm of his hand, accuse him of employing US military interrogation techniques in an attempt to impose a form of social engineering on me ?
Fuck me ! Honestly ! What happened to people simply getting pissed off at others threatening their safety ? Social engineering ! Fucking hell ! :D :D
Anyhow, enough laughter, this conversation, for me at least, has hit saturation, and as the straw men (social engineering ! Punishing the world !!! Intimidation !!!! American military style interrogation !!!) are coming thick and fast it's best for me to bow out before I am tied in with the holocaust, Stalin and the Spanish Inquisition.
Stay safe.
Maybe he just wants to save us all from ourselves. After all, if someone was in the wrong wouldn't you feel it your duty to point it out and help them on the correct path?
I am simply putting my view forward, I demand nobody follows it in any way.
Let me recap:
If someone wonders out into the road carelessly and threatens both their own and my safety I will likely shout at them, this is an entirely natural response and serves a purpose.
You're advocating intimidating pedestrians to 'learn 'em'.
Regardless of how the proposition is framed to make it appear ugly, basically yes. Those pedestrians who walk into the road paying little or no attention to the safety of both themselves and others should be reminded that to do so is dangerous and unacceptable.
I'm reminded of your attempt to browbeat people into accepting your views on religion.
Silly boy ! :) Your memory is poor.
Why exactly do you want so badly to punish the rest of the world for not meeting your exacting standards?
We seemed to have drifted from shouting at idiots who wonder into the road to punishing the world !? And not just punishing the world but wanting it 'so badly' for not meeting my 'exacting standards'.
Marvelous recourse to demagoguery, I sound a lot like Adolf Hitler don't I :)