I am a bit naive with regards to these things. I understand that there purpose is to keep your chain under a consistent tension. Should I use them? I just pull the wheel back nice and tight and lock up the wheel nuts but I've noticed whilst track standing/setting off from static there is a fair bit of play. It's a new bike new chain so just wondered really? Do any of you use them? What is the correct amount of tension to have on your chain riding fixed wheel?
Many thanks for any advice.
'Sano One thing, I'll bet whoever buys OTP soon starts looking to upgrade it - like you have, Rigadon - or to build a second bike :p
It's all good, it's all riding bikes...'
Well said. I think you are right for what its worth I have five bikes. I will probably look to upgade the wheels on it next but out of the box it suits me fine. Its mass produced but I like compact geometry and I like it which is the main thing. The thought of building up an old 50's frame is not my cup of tea but hey I respect anyone who is interested enough to get out there and ride a bike, whatever bike that is, even if its a sloping top tube langster!
Its a really deep mettalic green, like BRG its actually quite nice. I put some red tyres, bottle cage, on it to make it mine. I really like it. Its never going on a track and I only use it for a commute/training so it ticks all my boxes. Its really light too. I was thinking red bar tape maybe thats overkill though?
I quit a year ago last month. 20 a day habit, for fourteen years. I haven't smoked a fag since. I have smoked a handful of spliffs though. I don't feel compelled to start puffing 20 a day again although sometimes I could murder a ciggie.
Obviously my lung capacity is vastly improved. So in answer to the op the differences I notice are cardiovascular. That and I no longer stop mid ride for a snout!
Its a good thing, for sure.
I went into Evans yesterday to collect my new bike. Its a bike to work deal.
I had requested both the 08 Langster and the 08 Bachelor. Aluminium and compact were my preferences. I have had a Langster in the past and as its for commuting/training not Keirin or going for the world hour record I don't need old skool track geometry.
Anyway I digress, having seen the Bachelor up close all I can say is it looks........ unrefined which is being diplomatic. The geometry is wild, the frames ugly imo, of course this is subjective! The stand over height on the 56cm is huge, its like a farmers gate. Shame really as
the colour is excellent and the graphics understated. Its a nice bike to look at just not a nice frame to look at imo.Its a mix match of component's too with snide seat pin, good pedals, snide stem, nice saddle. Kind of disappointing tbh because I really wanted to like it but the frame is ugly imo and far top top is far too high.
I got the 08 Langster which has kind of retro decals giving it a look that appealed to me and as I mentioned before, as I have had one in the past the fit/look suits me.
However if I was buying another otp it would be the Felt Dispatch.
I have recently been drawn towards a ss steed. I did use one way back in the early 90's very briefly for training whilst I dabbled in serious road cycling, it didn't last as I realised you had to be harder than nails to get anywhere. At the moment I have a geared compact geometry road bike which I like alot.
I know the users on here advocate the continued use of proper track frames proudly displaying battle scars from old skool builders, which I respect btw. I, however am a capitalist whore to whom shiny newness is infinately attractive anyway I digress.
I want a compact otp ss bike. I like the look of the Pinnacle Bachelor and the much maligned Langster, not the London one. I cant find a review for the Bachelor I dont really want steel aluminium is my metal of choice, does anyone own on here (unlikely, I know) own the Bachelor or know anyone who has one?.
Just looking for some feedback
Excellent, thanks!