We've put up a survey on LOBP to determine who is coming from where. Doesn't require an account so play take a moment to fill it out.
http://leagueofbikepolo.com/whbpc2010/survey -
Heyo all you London poloistas! It was very nice playing with you over the last couple of weeks. I have been truly inspired to revive Oakland Bike Polo to its former glory. Especially by the London league.
When I returned several days ago I immediately started beating the drum for a Bay Area league and now we have.... BAHBPL (Bay Area Hardcourt Bike Polo League)! We have 5 confirmed teams, 3 from Oakland 2 from SF. Oakland will likely have one more and we expect 2 to 4 more from SF.
We will be starting matching March 8th if not sooner. Everyone here is super excited for it. Thanks for the games and inspiration! Cannot wait to hit London again in a couple months. -
Hey Hey! Super fun playing with you all this weekend. Saturdays play was intense, but really fun. Sunday was awesome closing down the street again and going at it. Drove all night again, got back to Berlin 9am this morning (arg). If anyone is planning on making it to Berlin for the Halloween alleycat, where are going to do another tourney on Sunday (same day as Paris).
The 10 minute games did suck a bit, but the only way to move that many teams through. We had to be out by 6, and the final finish around 5:30.
Great meeting and playing with all of you, look forward to the next one. -
Just moved to Berlin from California, hit me up if you want to ride/need a place to crash. As far as cops... most of the time they are standing around in packs on street corners with bored looks on their faces, I have been smashing around like I am still in Oakland. The motorist are the only ones who seem pissed.
And that is that! In only 5 days we have 9 teams and the first fixtures announced and in coordination. There are still teams trying to get all their players together too. We are leaving registration open until the end of the first round. Everyone is amazingly excited for this.
3,2,1... BAHBPL!