Might be of interest to readers of this thread
Thurs 25 April, 17.30 UK
Neil Carter (De Montfort University) & Modern Records Centre Warwick
@MRCWarwickMeet the archivist - National Cycling Archive
Part of the IHR Transport & Mobility series
A friend writes, in relation to his 11 y old:
We have a wheel crisis! X has entered his first crit race on Sunday in Hillingdon and we have just learnt there is a ban on deep section wheels. X has only has a 55mm set of disc brake wheels!!!
He needs a set of wheels compatible with a 11 speed cassette front 12mm Thru Bolt
Rear 12x142mm Thru Bolt. We wondered if you had a road wheel like that which is 35mm or smaller in rim depth you might be willing to lend him - otherwise we need to go shopping!!I don’t have through bolt
Any loans out there? -
RIP Dr Ling Felce.
There is a vigil planned for 2:30, 8 March
https://twitter.com/cycloxoxford/status/1499332448282365956 -
Thanks @almac68. It was very moving to be there.
Thanks @almac68. I hope to attend.
I’ll bring the LFGSS book