Helson sent a prepaid Fedex to take it back, however when it was returned to me,they filled out the customs form incorrectly. It wasn't marked up as a warranty return and so I was left with having to pay import duties and VAT for a second time! Helson wouldn't entertain refunding me for their error.
The watch was sorted and I like it but having to effectively pay for a warranty left a bad taste and I would not recommend Helson to anyone.
Anyone want to do this?
I have a couple of tickets with camping for a tenner each....
Those TRC 1400 are amazing (I have a set) but the specific aero 240 hubs you get with them aren't available separately.
@timages Halo are probably the recommended good-but-not-bling fixed hubs and then take your pick of LightBicycle or Farsports rims. Another option is Arkane Wheel Works who would build you something perfect for your needs cheaper than DT Swiss/Corima etc but much less hassle than sourcing your own components.
We never leave early! Nice to meet you @Spreghillrider and a good ride with @Ruserius