Hi folks,
I know its still a fair way off yet, but I know how much you lot like planning in advance, so...
Amongst all sorts of other bike related stuff happening as part of the I Bike MCR festival throughout April we have two events on the weekend of the 19th April I reckon a lot of you might fancy making the journey up to Manchester for...
Saturday 19th April... Yo Fixie comp: An event for fixed gear riders. With comps inc: Track Stand, Track Skid, Sprint and more. There'll probably be a bunch race like a street devil, and more too, but we'll figure that out nearer the time.
There'll be prizes and it'll be taking place outside a decent bar who are putting on outdoor hospitalities for us. Nice!
Next..,Sunday 20th April... Bicycle Polo Tournament: After the Brick Lane BFF tournament last year its Manchester's turn to host. You know the deal, teams of 3 from all over the country battle it out blah blah. We should have a fair few teams from Manchester, as well as hopefully the Oxford and OAKENDEN PEDALLERS lot who were at the BFF. Again, there'll be prizes galore etc etc
So, just a heads up for everyone to come out of hibernation and start playing polo again (we need to too) and snap up all those cheap train tickets, maybe even book a minibus or sommit.
More details as they come in. Over to you...
Sitting tight on a wheel in the citys too dodgy. Half wheeling means you can still see oncomming potholes, drains, cars(!) etc, but can still get a bit of protection from the wind. I'm not ashamed to say I've done it, besides if you switch out then its the guy behind who's gonna hit the deck so you'd assume they know what they're doing.
Anyway, you know what its like, committing to overtaking someone whos only going a shade slower than you - you've gotta keep the pace up, and the only way to give in is to pull into the nearest sideroad, and hide there for five minutes before sheepishly carrying on.
Hello by the way..
Student market is still going, but the bikes aren't up much more than a trundle up and down Oxford Road. if you're on this site its a good guess you're after a ss/fg.
Just to re-hash what everyone else has said - Harry Halls maybe has the best range of off the peg bikes ss/fg thanks to Craig's influence, and Bicycle Doctor is also good for sorting out bits and bobs.
Definitely check out http://www.ibikemcr.org.uk/timetable.htm though - the festival starts at the end of the month...