Yeah do it. TBH as an average track racer, Good Friday isn't the best of meetings cos you'll only get a few rides for your £15. Its just the prestige of it that makes it good. The omniums will get you more rides - and gives you a bit longer to train, I'm starting to realise that 2 and a half months isn't a very long time!
Also, I haven't raced for a few years now, so I also have zero license points, but I'm hoping to be let in on the subjective selection criteria, since I raced it when I was a junior. Not sure if I'm any better now though...
... and here's the official site http://www.goodfridaymeeting.org.uk/
I guess that's Southern Counties Cycling Union, but yeah anyone can enter. British riders will need a BC license. Entries are subject to vetting by the organizer. People do get their entries returned if they're deemed not good enough. I'm pretty sure the criteria is subjective, but it's got to be largely based on license points I guess.
And I hear a nice new Herne Hill website should be up and running in time for the start of the season. Any requests?
IMO front lights are far far more important than rear lights. You are really unlikely to get hit from behind and much more likely to hit someone pulling out at a junction who didn't see you. it's all to do with time.
No it ain't, it's better to have a brighter front light, in the city too.
Maybe, but then again you've got eyes in the front of your head, so you can see and anticipate any hazards ahead of you. Those approaching you from behind are harder to spot.
2 weeks ago I went out on the Sunday run, got a puncture about half way round so came back on my own. Was out this Saturday for the 8.30 run which they stopped and came back because of the ice so I then tagged onto one of the 9.30 runs. Was riding a massive blue Ribble, although due to state of it when I got home its getting retired and I'll be out on a Bianchi from now.
Been going out on the Wednesday chaingangs the last few weeks and will be out on Saturday probably on the 8.30 run. Been finding the Wednesday chaingangs really good, been getting lots of good advice and experience of riding in groups.
Ah I've been meaning to get back into the chaingangs after a while off. Thinking I might be out this Wednesday, if not next. I'll be on a plain white bike if so.
I've heard there are a couple of nasty 50+% ascents at each end of the track...
I was always sure it was only 45, its just because the tracks so short it looks steep - that's why its so hard to hold the bike down at speed. Ghent is about the same length and that's about 60 degrees, but obviously you cant have beginners sessions on that.
Well, as long as my destiny doesn't lie in excel, I'm a happy camper.
Who's ever heard of hiring a courier based on their street knowlege and then getting pissy when they don't know how to use a computer?
(can you tell i'm fuming?)
You're only being kept in the sweatshop cos you're not as easy on the eyes as this young dude.
Oh, I think I know the one you mean - the surface is pretty rubbish, and it's a crash hotspot on Dulwich Paragon rides. I nearly got wiped out by a car cutting the blindish bend at the bottom, although I was riding far too fast :O
I've done it in the big ring (going back up the steeper side), but clearly I only did it to show off, and I'm only recounting it for the same reason. I'm a complete failure in every other aspect of my life.
It's Hesiers Hill, but gets referred to as Beddlestead. Unless you mean somewhere else...
Only just seen this. I live only a few miles from this so its quite a regular route. The VCL club run uses it a lot because it cuts out that busy top road. I've got up it on 69" fixed before, but it nearly finished me off!
Indoors. Takes up the whole of the track centre so lots of stalls, all sorts of stuff. It was good to go to when I lived in Manchester, but I don't know if its exactly worth going all the way up for. You know how these things work, they'll some good finds there but only if you want them anyway, and you'r scratching at the door to get in - which will take some dedication, coming all the way from London.
You could always just stay at home, save petrol/train fairs/time, and buy at inflated prices from the couple of people, maybe even on this forum, who go there to buy up and sell on.
No but the promo vidie for Tacx rollers on their site shows two riders warming up at some indoor velodrome, then bunnyhopping off and straight onto the track (with no helmets...Dave would go nuts!)
Dave would never've let it go that far. They'd be booted out for warming up too close to the track edge.
That whole video seemed to imply those two just wanted to get off their crappy rollers and ride the track with the real cyclists, and the no helmets thing is a bit of a weird choice too.
I also remembered another of my roller imaginations. A double-wide set, with two riders on, trying to spin each other off. A spin to the death. Like something from an old kung fu movie.
Noob alert.
I'd be up for this tomorrow. I haven't played for a long time though, and never with you guys, so bare with me. What time do people show up?