right i'm going to be the one to break the silence. basically me and Cake pass each other in Marylebone every single morning at the same junction. If I'm early, so is he. If I'm late, so is he. Exactly the same set of lights, every single morning. We wave and smile sheepishly, knowing one of us is probably tracking the other with some kind of device.
There, I've said it.
Haha, it is getting a bit silly now, I'd understand if it was at the same time. I figured you were just lurking and waiting for me before pouncing though, no tracking device needed.
Yeah, never watched it either, but unfortunately working in an office, you learn all about what's on TV from people who you have no interest in trying to interact with you by talking about shite TV.
Flight of the Concords however makes me think of good matt, not sure he appreciated me and Andy in the pub making him say "band Meeting" over and over again...
by the time i have looked up, found the internet cafe, had a skinny late, paid for the hour, gone back for cheeky slice of carrot cake. checked my email, browsed the forum, bid on ebay and calmed down i usually forget the number.
i want a phone/MP3 player that works as a dictaphone. a simple button push and you can record your voice.. it would be a winner. Digital Dictaphones are damn pricey
I can do it on my ipod, it provides hours of fun.
Or just reminds you of what you did the night before, less good.
I thought it was Pip
(runs off to hide before he reads this thread)