At least you didn't end up with the whole litter. Friend's friend bought him a fat boy cat who turned out to be neither boy nor fat! hahaha!
I have a slight sad story to tell. My friend's parents' cat gave birth to a little of 4 in 2017, 1 died shortly, so there were 3, friend took 1 - Vera, her friend took 1 - Pasty, but nobody wanted Eyebrows (Yap, I named her). In fact my friend had initially waned Eyebrows but after playing with the litter for a while, she changed her mind and went with Vera.
I had been talking and thinking for weeks if I should take Eyebrows home, but knowing Patch, I was really worried that she would not accepct another cat and I would have to make the tough decision to return Eyebrows after falling in love with her. So I didn't... this very debate came up almost everytime I would meet with my friend, but she reamined in my friend's parents' unitl 2021/2022. Her parents don't speak very good English and keeping cats is mostly for catching mice etc, so despite having an actual name, she was basically called Cat 2 her entire life, Mama cat is Cat 1.
Yes, I am using past tense to describe Eyebrows, because one day in 2021/2022 she left home and never returned. Friend's dad thought she got run over by a car or something. To date, I still think about Eyebrows now and again and everytime, I regret not taking her home. Maybe Patch and her wouldn't get on, maybe they would, maybe they would take one corner of the flat each, maybe they would sleep together everynight, but at least she would still be a happy 6 years old kitty... I miss Eyebrows and I will never know if Patch and Eyebrows would get on.
So if you see a cat you like and have connection, take it home!!!