I was trying to fit my new mini front rack this morning and there isn't space between the top of the mudguard and the canti straddle wire to fit it to the fork crown - the straddle wire is slap-bang in the way. I think all I need to do is fit a longer canti straddle wire, to raise it's height, so that the rack support will go under it.
Before I do this, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious. A longer straddle wire won't have a disastrous effect on braking performance will it? My brakes are tektro oryx.
and while i'm on that note...
http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&biw=1238&bih=876&tbm=isch&tbnid=m1-hzr61V1PSdM:&imgrefurl=http://crushable.com/other-stuff/make-your-own-tron-makeup/&docid=v4aa7A5H1jL8HM&imgurl=http://cdn.crushable.com/files/2010/12/TRON2.jpg&w=466&h=318&ei=r8JiUJtSh7DRBd2wgIgM&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=282&sig=112467797987241419086&page=2&tbnh=162&tbnw=228&start=20&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:22,s:20,i:206&tx=157&ty=84 -
I'm pretty sure you can fit barends onto downtube mounts. I can't find it now but I seem to remember seeing a picture of it on this here forum.
you could use 'stash bars, they are designed to work with drop bar levers, I think - but then the levers will be at the furthest point forward on the bar. I've always fancied a set up like this:
I really like this build, good work. The duck egg blue, yellow and chrome colour scheme was never going to be to everyone's tastes but I think it works well. It's built in a very specific style and is well executed. I'm never a fan of white tyres, so personally I would have avoided those, but all in all it's a nice bike and although not cheap, for under 1500 quid it's a lot of bike (and bag!).
^^That's fucking lovely, it looks like it just rolled out the factory.
On the subject of racks, the simple tubus ones are nice. The only thing i'd say is don't put too much weight on it as it will snap the rear dropouts. The reason my Kona ^^^^^is now my town bike is for exactly that reason. I did have it built up as a tourer and i've snapped it twice (below as a tourer).
and just on a "I love Kona's thing" here is the rest of the kona stable.Don't tubus come with a lifetime warranty?
So me and a friend are already thinking about a tour next summer. Something big it'll be his first time abroad (with a bike) and we are debating whether to do it for charity.
It'll probably be based around hostels so we can pack lighter but taking bivi's just in case.
I'm thinking of using a big seat bag, rack (which I can strap bivi+bag to) and probably one of those frame bags.
Do you think that'll be enough storage space for a light weight tour?
Thinking about it I may even strap a light weight tent to the rack too. Like the £30 flood victim jobbie Ed has.
If you're not camping you should defo be able to get away without panniers. This was my setup for LeJog last year (staying in hostels). We went a bit of a scenic route, taking 13 days and thinking back I reckon I over packed, slightly.
If I were doing it again I think I'd use a mini front rack to stick my lock on and maybe my shoes (stuffed with socks or something light) in a waterproof bootbag. Set up like that I reckon I could then have probably ditched the ba rbag. I did quite like the bar bag, it made me feel like I was on a proper tour and it was handy to keep food in, but it was also a little irritating and as I wasn't using the map holder could be done without.
one day it's going to get bored of chasing a toy on a stick and will rip his face off.
which is a nice segue to the Nicholas Cage link above, which is a bit disappointing, expect for:http://hypervocal.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/cage25.jpg
they have captured the annoying over acting eagerness quite well.
...and therefore not suitable for this thread. There is a LOOK specific thread though, I'm sure it'll be welcome there.