The first Ohtaki is now built!http://tokyofixedgear.com/blog.asp for more info. -
We will be selling some very nice built bikes, full sugino sets on lugged frames, very nice finish. They will range from 5-800GBP. info@tokyofixedgear.com for more info.
Watanabe san has about 6 of these bright coloured frames hanging in his workshop, all identical colour and size; ST520. All returns from the same keirin rider, I wonder if yours was one of them.
Im gonna get them repainted and bring them back to London in June. I think Watanabes one of the No. 1 builders in Japan, I ride one of his also! Check his show builds on tokyofixedgear.com a few post back. -
yeah, that's what i figured! and hk is really cheap for a lot of stuff, esp. electronics.
was just trying to figure out if it's worth getting someone to bring a few bits and pieces back for me.Theres a scene out there and I think a store called roadafixie also contact http://hkfixed.blogspot.com/ , I know those guys get hold of really nice stuff.
Don't know if anyone answered you adoubletap? I was looking at dogsballs 'bash' bake at the weekend, it has a similar detail but with the lugs on the ehad tube and not on the top/down tubes. It's lugged, but then the lug's extension is filed off on one join to make them look fillet-brazed. I think!
But the more I'm looking at that the more I think it might somehow be both.
Its one bike lug hand carved by Watanabe san.
MrSmith why do people use all NJS components in the u.k when it is a small meaningless stamp that doesn't have any influence on how a bike performs on the road?
it's not even a guarantee of quality just a standard to ensure a level playing field for a betting vehicle masquerading as a sport (like horse racing).from wikepedia:
"it should be noted that the NJS standard is to ensure that no rider will have any advantage or disadvantage based on equipment, and does not necessarily relate to quality or standard of manufacture"
i mean some of the stuff is nice kit but most of the hubs are unsealed which seems a bit pointless for riding in the british weather, and a lot of it is overpriced because of the njs stamp.
so what's the attraction? it's certainly not the value for money?Obviously the NJS stamp has become a brand and "hipsters" which you seem to somewhat dislike love brands. There are 3Rensho
s, Nagasawa
s etc.. out there with no NJS stamp and generally if you find one of these its got more interesting lugs, paint finish and was purposely built to assure clearance between the front wheel and pedal because these frames would have been built for road use. For Keirin training or enthusiasts. These frames are rarer but still so many people are only looking for the NJS stamp and think theres something wrong with a Japanese frame if it doesnt have one! But on the parts side; NJS means the parts are eligible to race with, if they are good enough quality to perform at the level they do in races then they are good enough for us on the road, theres the assurance of quality. Fuck sealed sealed hubs, Tokyo has a rainy season and every one uses NJS hubs. I dont think its overpriced compared to other high performance track kit, that is if your getting it from the right places and not picking it up from Brick Lane Bikes. Many webshops just about match Japanese RRP. I think Hubjub is one of them.. -
tom. Sounds like people are pretty keen for them then (those who don't want to lynch me for propogating the whole "NJS worship" thing). Given that Pistanator got his frame for 390, I'm guessing that we're looking around the 375 - 400 mark.
And, taking Provenrad's advice to heart (and given that I should really ride a 56cm), it may be that I can sell both if Carnival/W-Base have something slightly better fitting for me. If that's the case, the price will probably drop to something like 325-350 per frame region, as I'll have to make less profit per frame to cover the cost of mine.
The ironic thing is that even by buying three NJS frames, I'll still be spending less than I would have had to to buy the Claude Butler Path frame they've got. If I was less lazy I'd try and organise some sort of Europe/Japan frame swap with Carnival; their Italian/English/French frames are going for 600+! I wonder what Bob Jacksons cost in bulk...
Ye but they barely sell them, the same frames have been hanging there for months! I hear Yoppi the owner runs Carnival as a pet project, stocking it with whatever interests him, which I guess Is living the dream. Its crazy those Europian frames they have there there, very expensive. I sometimes talk with them about doing swaps and the names Bob Jackson and Colnago come up alot but they are tricky.
Hi, Iv always got NJS frames and parts in, I try to keep my prices lowest on the net for this kind of stuff and am always interested in doing trades for handbuild Europian frames and Europian parts. I also do complete builds, starting at round 700GBP for an NJS build. Currently based in Tokyo but moving the operation to London come June. Thanks to fixedgearlondon for finishing off Olegs build:
I sell vivalos in PERFECT condition for round 275GBP maximum. And I`m talking perfect. 375GBP for a Vivalo is amazing but they are great frames and at the end of the day I think with an NJS frame If you find one that fits you and pass it by you may never find another one your size again.
tokyofixedgear.com for frames...
The cycle show is coming up next week in Londons Earls Court running from the 9-12 Oct. We will be sending out a newsletter this week with details on how to save £4.50 off your ticket. The promotion will allow you £4.50 off tickets on the door & prebooked. The newsletter will be sent out later this week to all subscribers. To subscribe leave your e-mail as a comment on our blog/ FGSS or drop as a e-mail at info@tokyofixedgear.com