We sell those bars;
http://www.flickr.com/photos/8772455@N05/4234002424/sizes/m/That blue quill stem is crazy! I was wondering how people fit quill stems on them.
Marks just saying six because he doesnt want to work late!
We are going to closing closing either 07:30 or 08:00. The shop will be open from 10:30 Saturday. CrazyJames, the Gorilla's will be coming in very soon. I think they are going to do a little launch party for the kilroy in the shop.
Thanks to every one who came down last night. If any one has any photos we would love to post them on our flickr! E-Mail them to info@tokyofixedgear.com
anyone know why yoshi kono at 3rensho produced so many trippy looking frames and yet none of the other njs builders seem to have done so. did he have japanese surrealist art funding or something or just a low boredom threshold. never seen a wobbly tubed nag.
I think its because 3Rensho's setup was larger & more ambitious than most other builders brands. Most builders work alone and have little time to redesign frames as they are kept busy building NJS frames for keirin riders. Yoshi Konno had a few world class builders working for him and very rarely built frames himself giving him lots of time to work on design, export & general expansion on their lines.
Most NJS frame builder do make crazy frames, just most them are probably with the builder or customer. Yo do see crazy Gan Well Pro's a fair bit & Yanagisawa. -
Forget the chain, why does the sea ice form circles like that??! Weird.
I hope this helps; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_ice
Recent Tonic Fab Custom build. I really like this one, reminds me of a nuclear sub marine. Supernauts are beautiful, a lot of work goes into them & they ride incredibly. More photos here!- bit of a weird stem but I like the beefy but light look, same as the Supernaut. Lots of people think these frames are heavy like the Gangster Track but they are actually quite light, not made for tricks!
We just got a really nice 3Rensho TT. Check the brake behind the BB.
Custom Ti Serotta, I get the feeling lots of people here might know this bike very well.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3519/3755909873_5cdacbc7d1.jpg -
[Saw some very nice bikes this week! ](http://www.flickr.com/photos/8772455@N05/sets/72157621009405166/)
It seems to me that PB are charging $70.86 for this tool & that's from the manufacturer. By the time you get them in they wouldn't be far off £75. Bear in mind PB do a whole range or rainbow tools all varying in size & price.
Oh & the palmy U locks are nice for the front wheel & all but I wouldn't trust your whole bike to a aluminum lock! -
yea 75 quid for allen keys is ridiculous
we don't buy these allen keys in for £5 then think we can get away with ripping people off by selling them at the highest possible price, we buy from the distro, add the normal margin then sell. We try to sell everything at the lowest possible prices. Granted a tool shop stocking thousands of different tools might be able to under cut us but we do out best...
Slightly pornographic... New stuff in!!
£75 I think.