see basically what happened is, i started a thread asking who wanted to go to the six day with me, and you all went and organised a trip without me and now i have to ask if i can come with you. all because this happened while i was at work today. so is there space left on the bus for me? from what i gather i can sit in hippy and wont even be noticed....
prav, if you and roberto? are willing to travel to wales then i've got the week before my trip up to london off and i'm planing a trip to afan or what ever the other trail center is with my friend tom. so we could get some riding in together then and then just meet up on the friday for some beers, or carb drinks if you're bulking up.
what you basically want is something like this then hippy? http://www.rc55.com/petay/DSCF0841.JPG
white carbon post, :O
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=360038941770&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=023you can keeps your carbon wrap tat. 265g? my easton alu post weighs less than that.
no, it's a 56 just the picture got squashed when it was sent to me.
i'll take some better pics when it arrives.