I think it won't be far. For your average folk nothing over 20mins / 3miles - otherwise more people would cycle here.
You probably want bands - 1k away 60% folk will cycle, 3k away 30% people will cycle, 5k away 10% etc (or something...)Dunno how much it rains in SK, but covered cycle paths would get a few more folk out as well (seeing as you're planning it from scratch).
It would be like that one they planned for Toronto (but grubbier):
see here for details
Just about to enter the L2B and thinking I'll probably go for it fixed. I know a few of you've done it & Ditchling is the bad bit. How does it compare to London hills like Highgate West & Fitzjohn's ave? Longer & less steep, longer & steeper, etc?
Just want to get an idea of whether I'll be able to make it up...
How about getting rid of all the stupid on-road parking on popular cycle routes? Make all those 'advisory' bike lanes enforceable and, shock horror, actually enforce them? It'd be nice if I only had to worry about the numptys driving alongside rather than the numptys swinging open doors as well.Yes, yes & again yes.
I'm very torn by the whole thing: Money, facilities & priority to cyclists is great. More wobbly cyclists wibbling around slowing down my commute not great. Guess I'm just a nimby.
Even after the weekend's good weather you can see the increase in cyclists on the roads this week - I think summer is going to get very hectic. Mebbe need to find a quieter route.
Yeah - there was some trial and apparently letting motorbikes into buslanes made it safer for bikes & motorbikes. Because they were busier, peds stopped stepping into them without looking or some such nonsense.
So now they are planning to let bikes use them all. (Not that it seems to stop them anyway...)
- velocity boy
- Sparky (also in top-hat me thinks...)
- hael(yes 3rd :D)
- Object
f4. photoben
Mod(3+4i) Tommy - Cornelius Blackfoot
- Me
- tomasito
86(gi). Skullhead - JOL
12.PeterD. ill bring weedio camera
Unlucky No 13: onemagiru
also 13 chris crash (should be back)
31turm - Todd
- Superprecise
- andyf
- Build
- MA3K (only if it is a night ride)
- Lucky7 (have no idea what number is next!!!)
(No. of people above)+1. Velocipede
3.14159265358979323846… Van Damage
23.7 stevo_com (Aaron)
1.6180339887 ADS (Alex)
erm +another1. Villa-Ru
sounds ace. in the diary for me too.
- velocity boy
I got some gatorskins after 4 punctures in a week on crappy bargain bucket tyres. Put 'em on and punctured on day 1 - grrrr. Arse.
Still - have been ok since, but do find them really sketchy in the wet. Makes for more of an 'exciting' ride in that I ideally like. Need to find something ubersticky & longlasting next - hmmmm.
My bad. It was a truck.