RPM [quote]markrjohnson Not even close.
Try again.
are you/were you....a lawyer?
candlestick maker?
rich man?
poor man?
beggar man?THIEF?[/quote]
Ohhhh scratch my eyes out!
Lets say that I worked in social dynamic adjustment.
Now (once the broken arm has healed), I ride my SS Sunn.
Toodle pip.
Full run down of PCSO powers to detain can be found here.
Toodle pip
Riding on the footpath/pavement is a summary offence triable at magistrates court only. Therefore, it is not a recordable offence as defined by the Rehabilitation of Oddenders Act. As such, no you do not get a criminal record, no more then you would if you are done for speeding, red traffic light etc.
However, if you are stopped and have the offence pointed out you become arrestable (S25 PACE 84) if you fail to give your details, or it is reasonably suspected that your details are false/incorrect.
If stopped be polite, say nothing except to give your details, show some form of ID with an address then ask:
"Am I under arrest?"If the answer is no, then immediatly leave.
You are not obliged to answer questions, even though the wording of the police caution infers that you are.
Try Smart LED.
A Polaris front and the new "Superflash" (Oer Matron!) rear.The front is a good bright 5 LED job with the usual on or flash mode.
The rear is the result of a secret MOD project designed to frighten car drivers at night.
Seriously powerful strobe type LED.
Both on E bay.rear around £10.
Still, 2 of the fronts didn't stop me having a blind twat pull out on me.
Toodle pip.
Its got to be orange and black.
What size seatpost are you after?
Toodle pip