i think that cycle paths SOUND like a good idea but in practice they generally either put you in the way of pedestrians (like in many parks and commons) or they just paint the side of the road where you'd normally ride green and say its a cycle lane which is kind of self defeating, i'm a bit of a risk taker in that i learned to ride basically on roads so traffic is just something i have learned to accept but realistically theres never gonna be a point where cycling is going to be "safe" as at some point your gonna have to be on the road so in a way its better to get used to it
ChrisNW [quote]Ratboy ...
from now on kind and noble gentry pray tell me from where do you hearken?You'll be wanting the Not from London thread
[/quote] my dear fellow you mst be mistaken for i am as englih as apple pie......... i mean fish and chips
teenslain [quote]Ratboy [quote]teenslain [quote]clefty yeh i get dizzy spells if I'm over the river for too long..
Wait 'til the nosebleeds kick in... Upper Street, jus' a trickle... Coke Newington, a bleedin' gorefest... Or mebbe that's just a lifestyle ting...
I vote for a Friday night meet by the skate park/Brixton Cycles around closin'' time followed by a few 'Pussycats' (rum & ginger ale) with the BC boys down the Effra finished off with a trackstand comp on Kellett Road at midnite...
Who's bad 'nuff?
BTW I can only trackstand when I'm pissed...[/quote] sounds like a plan, im shit at trackstands but i like to compete[/quote]That probably shoulda read: "I *think *I can trackstand when I'm pissed"
Jeez I was slaughtered last night, drunk people shouldn't ever be allowed near 'puters... Or maybe just me... :-S[/quote] nah its a general thing i think -
teenslain [quote]clefty yeh i get dizzy spells if I'm over the river for too long..
Wait 'til the nosebleeds kick in... Upper Street, jus' a trickle... Coke Newington, a bleedin' gorefest... Or mebbe that's just a lifestyle ting...
I vote for a Friday night meet by the skate park/Brixton Cycles around closin'' time followed by a few 'Pussycats' (rum & ginger ale) with the BC boys down the Effra finished off with a trackstand comp on Kellett Road at midnite...
Who's bad 'nuff?
BTW I can only trackstand when I'm pissed...[/quote] sounds like a plan, im shit at trackstands but i like to compete -
willski [quote]Ratboy how do you work out the number of skid patches as im planning to have a 54 19 or 20?
If you express the ratio of teeth on your chainring and cog as a fraction and then cancel down, then the numerator gives you the number of skid patches, as this is the number of positions the back wheel can be in while you've got the pedals locked. For example;
16/48 = 1/3 so there is one patch
17/48 doesn't cancel down so there are 1719/54 doesn't cancel down so there are 19
20/54 = 10/27 which gives you 10[/quote] ok thanks for that info -
andrewleitch86 So I'm preaching to the part of you that loves to get things for free, loves cycling caps and loves things that are pink. It's the Plowman Craven Evans Cycles team cap.
I registered and got the cap in about three days. It doesn't say evanscycles on mine so don't let that put you off. It's free. It's pink. Get it!
thanks for the post who can argue with free? -
tynan [quote]Ratboy yeh i definitely abbreviate far to often but this is due to an extreme case of laziness and i will do my best to use the most eloquent phraseology at my disposal if it please you sir
Hell yeah, let's have some fucking class around here.
:)[/quote]from now on kind and noble gentry pray tell me from where do you hearken?
if you go into places like halfords they usually have stuff lying around make friends with the employees and they'll usually let you have a browse i got toe clips a new brake cable handle bars and brake levers from one down balham