Actually they're not all bad. I asked my local if I could chop the lock on a frame that had been there for the entire summer getting the shit kicked out of it. He said fire away and gave me his name in case any coppers asked me what i was doing. Unfortunately it was to small for me but my mate built it up
TheBrick(Tommy) Leave the poor Bugger alone.
His comment was off and he needed to be clearer about what his comment meant rather than trying to insinuate something but using police stereotypes and personal perilous experiences to borate the man is silly. Threats got him no where on this forum so lets not reciprocate like with like.
Here here, he was a bit of a cnut but I would be too if my wheel was stolen. Hes just getting angry with the wrong people
As we're all getting carried away with this fashion show malarky, a few fashionista questions:
Trouser legs tucked in, folded, 3/4lengh or no adjustments
-I'd go for the folded up myself, my ridiculously hairy legs keep me warm no matter
Saddle must match bar tape or not?
Tube protector must match an item of clothing or bag?
- Pomb Crew Edit #2[/ame] -
- bike face plant[/ame] -
I was thinking of converting one.
Has anyone one done it?
I'm just thinking of the tricks i could do, so havent considered any problems yet.