I was wondering about your opinion. You stated he had massive credibility, it follows that his peers who disagree with him may meet any criteria put forward for his credibility so I wondered, how does Frank decide what is credible.
My guess is he meets your world view so you have backwards engineered the credibility. Credibility you wouldn't suggest he had if you didn't agree with him. Is this right or is there something else that sets him apart from the consensus?
I definitely thought it would be done in 10 days or less. My inclination is that the war and sanctions have been much more detrimental to Russia than Putin planned for and the Putin's/Russia's ability to ride it out has been so partly to getting the economy on a war footing but more so due to his grip on power, his ability as a dictator and how high the stakes are for him.
This could not have been in the plan for putin, even as a worst case scenario, could it?
All this stuff being posted has some parallels with a simmering WhatsApp argument I'm having with an old, close friend of mine on WhatsApp. He has always been further left than me and more willing to believe stuff. He wanted trump to win because the Dems are committing genocide in Israel and trump isn't. He thinks zelenski is a US stooge. Etc and forever. The more I push, the more he hardens to a binary. When it comes up for discussion I am accused of supporting what is happening In Israel if I say I think Trump will be a bigger supporter of Netanyahu than Biden because there could be nothing worse than the biden administration for the people of Palestine. He seems to be driven by his hatred of the US and the left of centre parties that have compromised to get power. He is ardent anti fascist but has totally convinced himself that trump 2 will be like trump 1.
The first post apocalypse thing I will do is go to his house to say I told you so. It will be like The Road, just without the son or feel good factor.
If you told me you were 5'11" I'd just assume you were desperate for me to correct you so everyone really does know you are tall, even tho they can all see it.