Thursday night... bike locked up outside the Shakespeare pub in Stoke Newington. My mate noticed some fishy behaviour through the window, runs outside to see someone zooming off on a bike. Turns out he's removed my black RH goldfinger lever and black Tektro R720 brake, as well as someone else's saddle. Tried to catch him, but he had too much of a head start and disappeared off. What a cunt.
I doubt anyone will see them again, but just in case.
Anyone got anything similar that they want to flog me to replace, before I trudge reluctantly down to Condor? Cheers.
Use this: http://www.parktool.com/products/detail.asp?cat=5&item=CG%2D2 - reaches the parts of your chain that other methods don't...
Jesus... just logged on again (lfgss a banned site at work...) and seen your barrage of despicable puns. Animals, the lot of yer...