So many fixed folk seen today on my way round town - inc. a guy with dreads on a Surly at Oxford Circus at around 2, and a very cute girl on somethingorother going down Kingsland Road at around 3.30pm. Could have been on a 2006 Langster, but didn't really notice as I was too busy gawping at you, sorry. That rarely happens, in fact my girlfriend takes the piss out of me for checking out bikes rather than women...
I was on my newly built up iro frame by the way...and I am loving it!
Yeah, I am generally there twice a week. I'm constantly amused by the fact that fixed wheel bikes often outnumber geared bikes in the bike park. Happy to sign people in as well etc
- mashton
- Tommy (beginner)
- Momentum
- Scrapper (beginner)
- lucky
- Sol (maybe)
- andyf
- Hutch
Not yet met any of you guys either, so it seems a good opportunity!
- mashton
Do you ride that Plug I keep seeing parked up outside the Rose and Crown? Anyway, I ride an iro with chopped risers, so holler if you spot me round N16...