Hammo At the risk of offending someone who is legitimately selling this bike....or losing a pretty good deal on a bike i've wanted for ages.....
Has anyone lost a or had stolen a Black Condor Pista?
Yeah that has been up on a thread before. Personally I think it is quite obviously nicked - and if it isn't then I am quite happy to point out to the genuine owner why I think so - no details of the bike at all; vague excuse as to why getting rid of it; random crap photos of bits of bike instead of shoing the components, no bike knowledge at all.
Essentially, don't do it dude! Not tht I imagine you are if you think it is nicked.
Bad bike karma will bite you on the ass. Sadly someone will take him up on the offer, and so perpetuate the bike theft problem we have in London. Anyone who does that, or goes to Brick Lane in search of a 'bargain', is either a sucker or a bit of a selfish cunt.
dogsballs andyp at cavendish cycles has a black 60-62cm Iro frame with a crack in the bottom of the the headset tube for £100 inc forks. perfect for polo or if you're handy with welder.
Thanks for the heads-up - just bought it yesterday. Now - how to build it up? I am thinking risers and white deep Vs... unless I can save up and get myself arrospok.
To be honest I will not build it up until next year as (i) I need to get busy with the welder, and (ii) I am a broke student.
Ooof. Tough one. My On-One rear hub was pretty cheap, and seems good so far. Worth a look.