Dear All,
Been on the forum for long time but not posted for years. I've got a problem with adjusting a threaded headset. The adjustable toprace can't be held with a spanner it's completely smooth and just has a sort of dimple on either side. I presume you need a tool along the lines of this:But this has four pins and I need one with 2. Has anyone seen anything like this? Or know what I could use to hold it still while a tighten the lock nut.
I went to British School of Oesteopathy at Borough with back and elbow problems. It's cheap but you get seen by students. I saw a different one every week (because they were ill or skiving) and spent half of each session repeating symptons etc. I'm sure that some people get great treatment there but I think you take your chances.
Rotherhithe New Road closed for accident investigation
first post!
saw a guy this morning at the junction of Lyndhurst Way and Peckham Road on a nice brown fixie looked like a charge plug (can you get a brown one?) with a brooks saddle. he ran the lights, got stuck in the middle of the road and couldn't get his sidi back in the pedal to make it to the other side. didn't spoil the overall effect though.
found this: