Hi Guys,
Was a lot better today, adjusted the saddle a bit, slightly lower, also wore padded shorts today. still a bit achey (a good ache if you know what I mean) but i expect that much as i'm using muscles i'm not used to, however I wasnt in pain during the ride in, no death wobbles, only 1 pedal kerb scrape when i arrived at work..and you know I think I actually rather enjoyed it..
Ok, so after a couple of months on the freewheel of my Charge, I did my first fixed commute today..and it hurt!
the fact that i was fixed wasnt an issue (apart from a few moments where I forgot to keep peddling and did a death wobble)
My whole riding position seemed to have changed, my saddle was extrememly uncomfortable and my shoulders, back and arms hurt, is this something that I will get used to or should I think about adjusting the saddle a bit. I have been riding miles on freewheel on the same setup and have had no issues.
I hated it so much this morning that I swapped back to the freewheel before locking it up today!
Any advice would be gratefully received... -
asm [quote]clefty might buy another 3 for the front wheel for xmas :-D
Then lean your bike up against the wall and it could double as your christmas tree! Brilliant.[/quote]
I was thinking something more along the lines of this...
too far?
i have some, they are great - but fnking heavy (an expensive) - 3 AA batteries in each one, rattle like buggery - good for things like Critical Mass tho, get loads of people asking me where i got em, should be on bloody commission. If you're gonna get them buy directly from the US, they have a crap mark up in the UK, might buy another 3 for the front wheel for xmas :-D
Oval to Kennington tube, this is how you do it;
Wait for the lights at Oval tube to turn green, there's no point jumping the right turn filter.
Roll forward towards the lights 25 metres infront of you - no need to go mad, but try and keep a clear line in front of you
Keep it rolling and look over to the right for the lights controlling the traffic that comes in from the right. As soon as these lights change start your sprint.
The lights in front of you will change as you go through them, you should be approaching 20mph by now - the cars are starting from stationary so you can pull a huge gap.
Check your shoulder, give a hand signal and pull right in time to hit the cycle that runs down the middle.
They key is to time your sprint so that you can pull a big gap on the traffic behind you.
heh thats what I do coming in, got it off to a fine art now, just going back south is a bit of a bitch, actually thinking about it I always get hit by the next set of lights after that. Where the traffic coming from Lambeth North direction comes round.
noggin Nightmare:
+1 for the Elephant & Castle r'bout (~£1k of dental work after a car-bike-tooth-tarmac incident in 2002... still wary)
Kennington Park NE from Oval to Kennington tube (down the white line with 2 lanes of maniacs on either side)
The Wands-way System (all of it really).Ha the white line of death! I have a love hate relationship with that every morning, similar going the other way when you have to get over to the right hand lane as it splits into 3, then always trying to beat the lights at the Junction outside Oval station - only managed it a couple of times and you have to be going some to do it.
Zippie [quote]clefty [quote]Zippie Pardon my ignorance, but when is it?
a clue is in the thread title... ;-)[/quote]
Okay so it was or will be in October, so I missed it unless it is tonight and I move quickly ... thank you.
Let me rephrase the question to make my interest more easy to grasp?
If someone i:e. me, were interested in participating in such a ride how could he discover where and when, and would anyone on this site be kind enough to assist him?[/quote]
sorry zippie jumping to conclusions again, its the last friday of every month. more details here http://www.criticalmasslondon.org.uk/main.html
I know this is a bit too late for Halloweeen, but for all you kids who like dressing up and I know I do, my mate works at RADA and their costume shop is moving so they are having a sale!
annoyingly I will be in the Caribbean at the time, but if you fancy picking up some crazy period costumes for about 50p and upwards get your arses down there. I want a Dick Turpin hat.. sobMonday 12 November (10.00am to 8.00pm)
Tuesday 13 November (10.00am to 5pm)The RADA Costume Store is moving, and as a result we are reducing our stock. The
sale includes both period and modern clothing from starched dress shirts to ladies’
evening wear. This is the perfect opportunity for fancy dress enthusiasts, drama
schools, students and anyone else to find something exciting to add to their
collection!The Costume Store is located in the east block of Westminster Business Square , 1-45
Durham Street , Vauxhall SE11. The closest tube stations are Vauxhall and Oval. -
bullhorns at the moment, but I'm nabbing some spare risers off of broken_77 tomorrow so am gonna give them a go, as I too prefer being more upright.