Look at insulating the external wall with Marmox multiboard .
You still searching? http://www.lfgss.com/conversations/274644/#comment12553385
@dave4 missed the Snickers
Norff's tags thread>>>>
The site was St Luke's 'nerve' hospital, later St Luke's Woodside hospital - opened in 1930 and closed in 2011. Had very lovely grounds, in contrast to most other local psychiatric units, and 1st floor verandas from the bedrooms, which looked like a TB sanatorium . http://www.derelictlondon.com/hospitals.html. The admin block pictured is listed -
Old: Took a bit of finding with the dryest tour of several inns I've ever had. A gate on Fleet St to The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple.
"The Inns of Court are unincorporated associations which have existed since the 14th Century and play a central role in the recruitment of student members, training of aspiring barristers and continuing professional development of established barristers. The Inns of Court hold the exclusive rights to call candidates to practise law at the Bar of England and Wales. They consist of the Honourable Societies of the Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn and Gray's Inn" -
"Webb had little support from sponsors. By 10 November he had run out of money and took a job at Gatwick Airport, near his home. He spoke of working there, riding 220 miles (350 km) a day after work and sleeping two or three hours a night. He averaged better than 223 miles (359 km) a day,[3] sent witnessed postcards to Cycling's office to log his progress and used a different odometer each month to support the distance shown on the cards."
Mental. I can barely drag myself 3 miles home after work
Labour has bigger worries than ignorance amongst a couple of hundred new members in a local constituency party in the peak district. Tory changes to TU and party funding, and twisting electoral boundaries being the biggest I can see. Oh, and the PLP's ongoing failure to take on the Tories in any visible way.
Could you point me towards it? Can't find it on the Sender Films website. Looks actually awesome.