Oh dear, phone and photos not working there!
Old: Old Maygrove Peace Park http://www.paulgough.org/places_of_peace/sites.htm
There's probably no perfect solution, but some form of PR, probably STV, would be my preference. It's more democratic than FPTP, and it is also unlikely that extreme parties would get many 2nd pref votes. Can't say I don't like the idea of everybody voting, but not sure I could stretch to making it compulsory! I still get a slight thrill from voting (although usually followed by bitter disappointment).
Except of course that the majority of people didn't vote for this shower of cunts.
Only ~42% of the electorate voted for something other than the Tories.(Stats abuse with low turnout elections can be fun, and statistics based on the entire electorate can be used both ways when voting is not mandatory.)
True. But the majority of people eligible to vote did not vote Tory, and that's fact not stats abuse. It's far from democratic, and it pisses me off that the wishes of a minority are foisted on everybody else.
No one actually has a fucking clue how to deal with the issue, so it's turing into a classic case of it being "better" to do something, even if it's the wrong thing, than it is to do nothing.
Plenty of successful modern countries don't feel the need to get stuck in to bombing shit. We need to take political and economic action against the Sunni state sponsors of IS, and get stuck into reducing our oil dependence which prevents us doing this.
IAAF and UK Antidoping clearing Radcliffe http://gu.com/p/4eth8?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Yeah no shit - Some interesting stuff Turkish support of IS here... https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/europe-is-harbouring-the-islamic-state-s-backers-d24db3a24a40#.5fklpjlav
Just in case anyone has forgotten when this all started.... http://youtu.be/HfXmpJRZPYI