ah Tadcaster, I grew near there! fond memories of everyone repeatedly getting food poisoning from Tadkebab... the wind can be brutal round there cos it's so flat, well done for making it! I was more of a slogging around Wothersome in deep mud on a 90s mtb with my mates kinda guy when I lived there...
I think Thorn do sell the Mercury Mk3 with drop bars & rohloff - there's a bit in the PDF altho no pics...
for interest, a friend has done a comparison site for the different mrp predictions & also the different tactical voting sites https://inglesp.github.io/apogee/tactical-voting/
Avatar not working for this profile, only noticed it since the DDoS incident?
404 on the image url https://lfgss.microcosm.app/api/v1/files/379e77c45a2510a6a456cd1957b28a0fcc5c6ee7.jpg
EDIT: another one https://www.lfgss.com/profiles/60198/ & https://lfgss.microcosm.app/api/v1/files/a478afa938c1a83777eae28f3d84ecf1d0923aec.jpg
There was a flute shop in London that went bust[*] a few years back, they had a bunch of secondhand flutes for sale on commission at the time - same story, the owners got them back eventually as they were their property not the business' property, but it took quite a while for the administrators to sign it off.
- weird story, the shop seemed busy & business good, but their accountant went to jail for cooking the books at another company, then all companies with the same accountant were investigated, and then they closed suddenly & disorderly...
- weird story, the shop seemed busy & business good, but their accountant went to jail for cooking the books at another company, then all companies with the same accountant were investigated, and then they closed suddenly & disorderly...
omg ❤️❤️