TheBrick(Tommy) [quote]silver [quote]runcible rakan this thread makes me feel poor :(
lucky & silver - what do you both do?
urban designer me - can you see plans on my screen? - its for a small but growing town in the Thames Gateway.[/quote]
So you are the man responsible for all these atrocious towns in that area.[/quote]
no, i'll be responsible for the good ones in 20 years time...if they stick to my plans!
aidan [quote]silver So i think yes, people should buy these t-shirts and they should get pissed of with drivers....when there is something wrong tolerance won't make it right.
so with this logic you just made up we as cyclist are aloud to get pissed off with drivers...which means drivers are aloud to get pissed off with cyclist....when drivers get pissed off with cyclists they crash into them and when cylist get pissed off with drivers they throw there bike through the drivers windscreen...
wow ever thought of getting into politics?[/quote]i'm hoping things won't go that far - but the problem has to be identified then solved. And the solution has to be that everyone can co-exist on the streets without fear for their lives or having to cower inside ultra-segregated bike lanes protected on all sides by shatter-proof persplex....or somehting like that.
the point is..
there is currently a clash of cultures in the streets of london brought about my the massive increase in cyclists over the last few years. This clash is principally derived from conflicting views of ownership over the said streets.
In the last 40 years there has been an attitude of segregating all modes of transport, both by users and the authorities. This has bread a culture where each mode believes they have their own space and any overlap is interference.
Alas, this attitude is now changing, in theory at least. Starting with the authorities and (hopefully) seeping down to the users.
In practice, some particular users don't see things this way, they still think that each mode should be in their own space. Pedestrians on pavements, cyclists on cycle lanes and cars on roads - and this is what needs changed.
The point is that the clash of cultures has to become explicit to the extent that the authorities take notice and campaign to change the attitude towards ownership over streets to how things used to be - - Victorian streets never had pavements, they were for everyone.
So i think yes, people should buy these t-shirts and they should get pissed of with drivers....when there is something wrong tolerance won't make it right.
......on the other hand i guess everyone is just trying to get home.
I can't see why not as long as there is enough stem in the steerer. Has anyone done this before?