My fiance has always lived in London, so she knows the area well. We are not into clubs (unless its swing dancing), we love films, and quiet pubs, reading and doing art, etc. She makes clothing, I ride bikes. She will be alone for the most part in finding us a flat and moving us in (obviously her family will help), because Im finishing school here, but we don't want to share a flat with any others if possible, because we will be just married and want to live alone. Any honest help in finding a nice place to live within zone 2 for no more than 800 quid a month would be really appreciated. I have been to london numerous times and lived there for months on end so I know the lifestyle, how to get around, etc. It wont be a culture shock to me at all.
Thanks everyone.
Well, the Wings didnt suck in the late 90s, and if anyone can help us out with finding a nice area to live (our budget is 800 quid for a studio flat), that isnt in a shit area, then that would be helpful. I know hackney is the worst place to live, and also held one of the worst festivals (1-2-3-4 "whatever" that thing was) last summer. and since Im moving from one shit hole, Id not like to live in another one!
Hey everyone, I will be getting married this August and moving to London along with my bike. Im not entirely sure where we will be living, but I know we are looking into Vauxhall / Camberwell, and some other spots. Looking forward to actually living in a ridable city without needing a car, and having people to ride with!
Yeah I would greatly appreciate it. We have got all the Visa stuff sorted, all the moving arrangements are set, getting my stuff over there, etc. She is coming here with her family for the wedding, and then the day after Im mailing all my crap to the Chicago Consulate to get it sorted. I know it takes 5 days on average, but we are going to NYC for our honeymoon for a week. She is flying back to London, and I will stay in NYC for an extra week as my sister lives in Brooklyn. Our flat will already be set up by mid - July. We just need help in finding a good priced, safe area to live.
What a ruckus caused back in the day by your team, especially with the Chris Draper incident!
Also, no offence taken. Ill be glad to have some friends to ride with when I move!