Wise Intelligent - The talented timothy taylor
Brilliant album from the lead poor righteous teachers rapper
have a little listen - http://www.myspace.com/wiseintelligent -
surely all you need would be a steel bearing that would be the right width, something cheap off a piece of machinery, then a small piece of pipe which you could solder the 'legs' to then slot the bearings in and viola. think like a skate wheel but metal, I'm guessing it doesnt have to be ridden 100's of miles
Well I too have been avoiding looking into the thread too much, afraid that I would be persuaded into one, and now with a 12 week wait puts a new bag at the start of my next term ish, so I'm going to call is a beginning of term present to myself. Could I please be put on the list for an archie + laptop sleeve. Thanks
ps. I've emailed too
the final hour of my first ever journey to london,
having just started uni i thought it would be fun to cycle to brick lane for breakfast in the morning before my first lecture, so i set off at about 7 and started cycling, at this point i think it would be good to point out I had neglected to purchase a proper A-Z and so i discovered that mine only did central central london, and not out past bromley (kent) where i had started.So getting there was ok i didnt get too lost but by the time i go there i realised i needed to get back, so i turned round and headed back. Cutting a long story short a 10/15mile return leg became 35miles, i made a few fatal mistakes, i thought that like back at home posties would know the local area and thus would be good to ask for directions (this is not true they seem to not even know where they are) So the final 15 mins ended up being a bit of slog back to uni and as i was about 5 mins away from the uni my final chainring bolt fell out (i have discovered that my cranks like to losen my bolts) and i had to attach my chainring on with a shoelace for the last 2 miles. I dont think i touched my bike for about a week it was not a fun experiance
well 'le car' your pretty much the reason that i decided to build my fixie.
I was always planning to get a bike when i moved to london, and had been looking about at mountain bikes etc (i'd strangely never even considered a road bike, just didn't cross my mind) anyway I saw your bike in Grafik 150 and i was taken aback by it (its one good looking bike) something in what you had written about it and the picture just made me go wow, i want that. I started reading about fixed gear bikes etc, then i decided to just go for it a build it. So I trawled the scrap yards etc for a cheap frame and made this:
about a year on i guess i'm loving every moment of it, my car has been sold and the money used on a new bike, and like you i too have fallen back in love with cycling. So thanks, have a drink on me when our paths pass
Small world really