well, tonight I thought I'd try another method to remove the decals from under the laquer of my 2.5 week old bike. I thought I'd try out another method other than the "razor blade" method. Tonight I went at it with emery paper, thinking that it'll leave a smoother surface for painting on. And lucky too, 'cos i've "lightlt" gone through to the metal in a couple of places. A quick smooth of the other side (that I did last night with the razor blade), a quick wash down and its all ready for a spray with the can of spraypaint i'll buy tomorrow, I'l re laquer it, smooth it down again and hopefully it'll be as good as new, minus the decals.
Ok, well last night, I spent best part of 2 1/2hrs "peeling" off the laquer and decals from my Genesis Flyer frame using a razor blade (thanks for the tip Build!), and that was just one side!
There´s a couple of small spots where I´ve been a bit too enthusiastic, but thinking/hoping that touch-up paint --- light sanding --- clear coat laquer will sort it all.
Its all looking really sweet, can´t wait to get the whole bike finished.
The only slight issue, is that the chainline is 6mm out, and I don´t see how it can be adjusted, I´ll have to wait till I get the chain whip/lock-ring tool so I can have a closer look. (the problem is the sprocket is 6mm more inboard that the chainring, and the chainring can´t be moved in any closer).
Anyway, stickers, off, a very clean looking bike. Will do the other side tonight :)
eeehhhh Redeye - Spacers behind the sprocket sounds a bit dodgy, are there even enough threads on the hub to be able to space it out that much?
Might just have to get a new hub :-/
So, my hub is spaced to fit into 120mm dropouts, but I've never seen hubs available that offer different "spacings" of the sprocket in relation to the axel.
It's the stock hub on a Flyer. I've heard there was a chainline problem, but there must be a solution. . . . I hope, without having to buy a new wheel! :/
"sometimes I ride my bike so fast, feels like i'm on the air!"
check out the trailer (the crash at the end),
You can get the DVD and the book for a tenner from amazon.com
(...starts looking for debit card..!)
It´s the Olympic Velodrom of Horta.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vel%C3%B2drom_D'Hortaits in the middle of the screen of this link:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=es&geocode=&q=barcelona&ie=UTF8&ll=41.43819,2.149158&spn=0.013223,0.027037&t=h&z=15&om=1 -
I´ll have a look in pro-bike, bike house and decathlon after work today.
We have the outdoor velodrome here but almost no one understands why you would want a single speed bike, let alone fixed! I was looking into a Langster before I got my Flyer (made the right choice!), even the Spanish distributor for Spesh has decided not to bring in the Langster. If you had a langster here, you would probably be the only one!
I´ve seen a few people riding fixed here, some with spoke cards so the culture does exist, but is not common!
When these spoke cards are finished/printed, i´ll give a couple of quid if someone can chuck a couple in an envelope and send ém to Bcn!
Photoben, I'm in Barcelona!! Hopefully " Far off lands" means overseas too, cheers man, i'll whisper you!