I’ve fitted this one a couple of times and it’s good. Comes in different versions if you don’t want the humidity sensor for eg.
Issues I have had that made it harder than expected included 1) at my sister’s the previous fan being wired in wrong and 2) for a friend, rats have eaten the duct and the wires. But in the absence of situation specific issues it’s fairly straightforward.
It’s likely 4”, most are in my experience unless someone’s really gone for it. If you have a white or chrome or whatever visible plastic fan then measure it, if it’s a bit over 10cm it’ll be 4” and if it’s a bit over 12.5cm it’ll be 5”.
If you turn off the electricity to it you can easily take the front off and see the fan and measure it.
Maybe the Easter part of this one, cutting off the Bristol bit? If that makes it 30-40km. Castle Combe has a good little cafe
Loads on eBay - “oak threshold bar” - various different height differentials