tom, that guy is immense, some of those shutter speeds must have been hours long, looking at the ones of the eden project you can see the route the moon took, i really like night photography, shes a bit of an obvious choice and i guess you know her stuff but rut blees luxemborg all ways impresses me.
took this tonight down at stockwell,
found this whilst looking at cargo bikes, it looks pretty cool, http://www.fietsfabriek.nl/pages_eng/hogefiets.htm
tbh, i did like hearing about the ins and outs of banking, but this is getting very vindictive and i think that the arguments are now getting very pinikerty and personal, although i do still think that banking is generally a bad thing, that doesnt mean that everyone involved in the indusry are wankers (although my statement that those who are actually bankers are wankers) in terms of what we are experiencing now, i hope it finishes soon because its not good for anyone other than a few people and organisations who are going to do ridiculously well. hope to see you all on a ride at some point.
Some of you know, some of you dont, but i work in property investment, mainly putting together investment portfolios for the mega rich - in central London (knightsbridge, belgravia etc) the prices of homes for the mega rich are still going through the roof, and most of my clients are raking it in at the moment, mainly becaue they have seen this coming over the last 5 years and their strategies have been to milk it, then get out at the right time, keep yourslef cash rich, and then plunge back in when the chaos begins. They are rubbing their hand in glee with the fortunes they are about to make. Any one would be foolish to think that these people dont know, or didnt engineer indirectly through market activity the current situation - think George Soros and the pound
Last week a house belonging to the owner of a well know UK retail chain was sold in The Botoltons for 10m over its 43m asking price, with 2 cases of gazumping - the property wasnt even on with any estate agents.
Yesterday, the UK came closer to financial meltdown than anyone realises - Lehman are one of the largest occupiers of commercial property in the City/Canary wharf, owning vast tracts of realestate. When they went under they had 5 year guarantied up front rents owing of near a billion in the UK alone, god knows how much worldwide, all underwritten by AIG. - If AIG hadnt been bailed out ( a move which i personally think is just a stop gap) shit would have hit the wall big time, with the ripple effect would ha e been something to behold.
There is too much crap in this thread that is just directed at people rather than the problems at hand - i maintain that most city workers are just doing a job - mostly unaware of the machievelian dealings at the top.
The majority of 50 inch plasmas i have seen are not in bankers flats, but in council homes bought on 5 years finance at a bonkers rate, and perhaps it is more than anything else the cultral problem of "must have this and must have that" that permiate out society at the moment, which if anyhting is encouraged by the powers that be, and high st banks with our money in their possesion that is the route of many of our problems. It is these millions of finance/credit card deals that our unpayable now,rather than 10,000 acountants playing with money that has never been in or near our wallets, that we should be woried about
what i dont get is how you say all this, then say that the bankers who are creating the "must have" culture, and supporting it through agreeing to silly loans are only "doing their job". surely then they must bear some if not most of the burden for the problems and the narrowly avoided meltdown yesterday, therefore surely it is only right that people are angry at them. i find it hard to believe that bankers are nieve, they know exactly what they are getting into, a possibly volitile job with less security at certain times, and a whole lot of responisbility. yeah banker bashing wont bring about the end of these problems, but nothing we say on this thread will effect how the markets look tommorow, so i think its only right that we debate the situation and in turn slag off the majority of bankers, who appear to be rather greedy, useless and self centered.
Know any good forums for social reform?
space hijackers?
join us... http://spacehijackers.org/html/welcome.html
i know that most of the 19-21 things are directed at me. but i think that its the same with everyone, we all have unrealistic world views and aspirations at some point in our young lives, with most of us its just a matter of time till we "sell out" (tm) and loose our way, due to the soul destroying reality that nothing any of us will do can ever really change things drasticlly. however i reckon politics, like with most things, isn't about an end point and mass change but about how you get there and small local changes that effect you and those around you , so being perpetually annoyed by most things doesnt seem such a bad prospect to me because all the good memeories will help put off the soul crushing (i hope).
who was it that said " Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains."
I eagerly await the news of a Nobel Prize from our own esteemed fruitbat for his work on coming up with a better economic system than what we have now.
Free markets and efficient economies, alas, exist only in theory. The system we have now is a weird mix of capitalism and socialism. We try to approximate the capitalist ideal as best as we can, while protecting the less privileged and less able.
ha! its a mix of socialism is it? the only reason that the system we have at the moment looks after those less off (yeah right) is because otherwise there would be no one to sell to, no one to work and no ones money to gamble and play with.
Ok... I assume that free markets and efficient economies are good things.
What economic system would you propose to achieve those things, aside from capitalism?
how exactly are our economies efficient? everyday we here how wasteful our society is, how much energy, food and other resources we are wasting and yet you call this efficient? i know its obvious, but we have been using the same type of lightbulb for over 100 years even though we have had better and more efficient lightbulbs for over 30 years or so, and are now only really using them because we have been forced into a situation where we cant afford not to, which was created by those same people who told us everything would be ok.
also i think it will be alot easier for the bankers, who will generally have degrees, a levels, loads of friends/family in nice places as well as the old school tie to support them through this tough time. we will just have to wait and see though.
Again... the current state of affairs is the aggregate of a lot of mistakes made by a lot of people. The actions of thousands and thousands of people came together to put us in the mess we're in, NOT JUST THE BANKERS.
Why isn't anybody bashing the idiots who decided it'd be a good idea to buy a house they can't afford? Because it's easier to villainize the rich, and sympathize with the poor. What the hell ever happened to good ol' common sense?
i know its not just the bankers fault, but when everything settles the bankers are going to be able to get new jobs, new bonuses and will be able to go back to what they did before, however those people who got into too much debt and took out mortgages they couldnt keep up with are going to loose their houses, their possessions and are going to find it a whole lot harder to get back up again.
no, birxton bowls = stockwell skatepark = brixton beach theres probably some other names for it to, i guess its confusing because its in brixton but on stockwell road.