this is a semi bike related post. basically a group of people including myself are trying to organise a week of workshops and events based around free learning, some of the workshops will be arty other will be more practical, and some will be bike related, people have already said they will do workshops such as a bike maintainance, welding, pinhole photography, pataphsics, squating, dancing, film nights and other stuff, if you want to get in touch and do a workshop about something you are interested or you want to help with the organisation then drop me a pm, or come to the open meeting on the 27th of december at our space, which is 39 clarges mews, just of curzon street, be there for around 12ish (midday). the week of events is scheduled for the 5th to the 11th. we dont have the internet all the time, but i will be able to answer and reply hopefully more than once a day on this forum.
my friend is leaving for the states and has a really nice benotto road frame for sale. hes looking for £130, because its a complete bike with downtube shifters and cinneli drops on it, it has a set of carbon forks, and a brooks b17 in black, i think that most of the stuff is shimano apart from the down tube shifters. he wants to get rid of it in about a week, so you could either buy it and use it as a road bike, strip it for a fixed wheel conversion and keep the bits or just sell everything else on.
you can come and pick it up from either stepney or mayfair, just pm me.
i will have pictures later this evening.
Ah I saw them too, and what i think was a fleeting glance of you, but I was rushing off to Vauxhall so couldn't stop. I've still got that broken GB frame if you want it?
Oh and Unipack rider in lycra tights on South Lambeth Road this morning - you are a twunt.
i thought you threw away the gb frame after i came around at the wrong time, but yeah if you still have it i would like very much, ill pm you about it though.
sure. i'm not criticising anyone's decision to buy vans, i'm just pointing out that using a "fixed gear" shoe for marketing has generated enough interest that it resulted in a shoe sale (even if it wasn't the fixie shoes that were ultimately purchased). that is the job of marketing - hence "job well done".
very true. so its settled, vans= good advertisers. ?
what? we owe you money, since when?