hey fakenger35, i see your point on 4x4s being built for the country side and serving a purpose, but this stoped being true the day they started upholstering them with linings that dont wipe clean, if you look at the old land rovers they are minimalist and full of space, the new ones which are built to drive around chelsea are packed full of crappy shit that would get broken within a day on the farm.
i think the main problem with 4x4s is the way that they are marketed, they are no longer seen as a practical solution to not having enough grip in fields but seen as sources of power and freedom even though the last thing you gain when you step in any car is freedom, trapped inside a metal box full of luke warm stagnant air. and the power they gain from being behind a unnecessarily large engine and from being high enough to compensate for their collective small man syndrome is just a myth as well, because the moment they step out of the car they become just like everyone else and loose all sense of strength that they gain from knowing that they can run off the road any other car or cyclist.
nephs, it sounds like your chatting a lot of emotional bullshit, am i really meant to believe that people let down the tires of a veterinarian? also why does it matter how old the people are that are doing it? i dont find the argument that because these people are young their views shouldnt be accepted. people who drives 4x4s and big cars in general in london for no reason are generally idiot snobs who think that it is their right to go around fucking up the world and peoples lives by putting others at risk due to the size of their car and the size of most roads in london. and the whole idea that you need a big car to protect your kids is utter rubbish because it just leads to escalation and more and more people getting even bigger cars and putting my life at risk, tbh if i think that nearly all 4x4s should be burnt to a crisp not just defalted, although i realise that the owners would probably just go and buy another just to spite those who did it. (sorry for the rant)
JayGee64 Cleaver square is full to the brim with actors and politicians and other no good rich folk. There would be blue lights in a flash if you even thought of spoiling their Sunday afternoon boule tournament or community picnic.
Bedford square?
well we need somewhere, preferably south of the river.
RPM best place for urban keirin is here
its just that i dont like formal completions, plus i dont think they do stuff at night, and ill probably be to sow to even think of joining in one of the comps, so by doing it on the street we even out the scoreboard and make it more of a social event type thing.
flickwg ok great idea joel, but since when have we needed a pub for alcohol? sainsburys local is much better
a good location i know of is berkley square map
the road is soo smooth and it is one way
this is a bit more of a central optionthat place is always busy, the reason i chose the place in kennington is because its small secluded and only has one small road leading to it, and so the probability of cars coming into the square are minimal if not non-existent.
mr smith, getting moved on from more london is easy to avoid if you are skating, just get up in their face when they say anything, and if they do anything else just skate off to another area of more london this is especially true if your in a big group. as for cleaver square i doubt we will get too loud, were only going to be drinking and cycling around in circles.
oh crap, we gotta find a new place!
- 3 Sep 2007 12:25
Splendid ostlerey. Did see Cameron in here last summer and once got talking to Widdercombe, an interesting lady to say the least. In a nice area (sumptious square) but very close to ghastly council estates. Hopefully they will be demolished soon and awful people got rid of.
- 3 Sep 2007 12:25
http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/31/3149/Prince_of_Wales/Kennington theres some reviews of the pub if you scroll down.
hippy How does urban keirin work then? Do you need someone with a scooter? :)
probably not, just someone with a pedometer on their bike so they can keep a good speed i supose.
mush I'm in (is the pub any good)?
the pub is called the prince of wales i think, and there is another two round the corner.
a while ago people posted about urban kerin in japan, and then people over here started looking for place to race, at the weekend i found a place just off kennington high road with a pub in the corner to kick, http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=1705085
plus its blocked off at one end and would be easy to seal the other end. anyone want to organise a race some time soon (when the rainy season stops) -
thanks for the comments, at the moment im going to write a letter to popo telling them to reopen it, plus im looking to get some money for the new wheels, markrjohnston, i was thinking that those two would be the ones he woud be done with, i just dont understand why the pigs couldnt just get the guy. we will see how this pans out...
h2o [quote]danger joel h2o, he did fuck up the front wheel.
You're getting into the spirit of it now...
What I mean is, don't downplay the damage like you did in your first post, and write the guy a letter asking him to cover the costs. Point out that you could take it to court and then he can explain to a magistrate why it is you happen to have his licence plate and a police letter confirming your story.
Lot more lucrative for you and a lot less likely to get you arrested than petty vandalism.[/quote]
what your saying isnt untrue, i am getting a new wheelset, and forks, but the forks part is my own fault.
looks ok, i suppose they said they would do it as long as they didnt bring up the brakes issue.