1.shootthebreeze 1 rabbit medium
- VanUden 1 Rabbit XL, 1 Airfix XL
- yebo 1 Airfix XL, 1 Airfix L
- PaNo 1x Medium Rabbit
- tomasito WAC small x1
- Dylan 1x rabbit....large
- Synthman Airfix, Medium x 1, Rabbit, Medium x 1
- fred Meduim, any design RABBIT
- Dzidzor Airfix, Medium x 1, w.a.c, medium x 1, rabbit medium x1
- Kingmob one medium rabbit
- livingasleep medium rabbit x1, medium airfix x1
- plignboot "Medium Bamboo rabbit" x1
- Paulio large rabbit x1
- becnis airfix small x1
- cg5154 airfix or rabbit S x1
- Murtle WAC x1 M
- benanza WAC x1 M
18 Donut M rabbit x1 - b3ans Large (one of each)
- DocA WAC L x1
- Caleb M rabbit x1
- cori2382 Airfix, Medium x 1
- Getafix Airfix XL x1
- krusty Airfix, Medium x 1
- KingMob medium rabbit & airfix
- spagettihoops anything in medium RABBIT
- Kirth Airfix/Bamboo/Large x 1, Rabbit/Bamboo/Large x 1
- the Other, Airfix, medium bamboo x1
- Broker: WAC XL x1, Rabbit XL x1
- ro-LAND: Airfix med x1
- dancing james airfix med X1, WAC med x1
- BringMeMyFix: Airfix/Medium/Bamboo x1, please :)
- flip: Airfix/medium/bamboo x 1; Rabbit/medium/cotton x 1, thankyouplease
- Asseenonfixie: Rabbit/bamboo/Large x 1, Airfix/bamboo/Large x 1
- Elvis: Rabbit/Cotton/Medium x1
- danger joel: Airfix/ bamboo (or cotton if no more bamboo)/ medium x1
- VanUden 1 Rabbit XL, 1 Airfix XL
He's gone the way of Marc Ecko, and gone all 'legit' (not that he really wasn't already). This is no different really to the puma/carhart bikes. Except that it is far more appealing than either of those!
Didn't marc ecko graffiti on air force one?
You shouldn't get so angry about stuff like that. I wouldn't be too surprised if Shephard Fairy, if that's his real name, set out from the get-go to make money from anti-capitalism. Cos he knows that young/trendy people think it's cool.
Cynicism rocks.
nah that whole air force one was a fake set up by him to create publicity. with fairy i dont know if he had honest intension's or not, but he keeps on trying to defend his actions as if there is nothing wrong with pasting up images of people who fought for civil liberties whilst at the same time making adverts for a company which those who were fighting for civil liberties called for a boycott of. that to me smacks of hypocrisy.
He's gone the way of Marc Ecko, and gone all 'legit' (not that he really wasn't already). This is no different really to the puma/carhart bikes. Except that it is far more appealing than either of those!
nah its different because of the content of their work, i know its stupid to hate people for "selling out" or what ever and we could go about it all night, but the fact is marc eko's work was about "getting up" and carhart is a brand. where as fariy is a cock who creates loads of anti-capitalist anti-govt work (full of plagiarized and copied stuff which is art in its own right, without recognizing any of the original artists) then does campaign adverts for the next president of america and other less than savory characters like coke, nike and record companies, and now hes trying to make a quick buck on the latest trend, and the end product doesn't even look that nice.
errr... wha?
it's not a custom job. http://fujibikes.com/2008/bikes.asp?id=419
bit overpriced, but i don't mind it.
i know its not a custom job. i meant that shepard fairy probably didnt even do the design himself, since most of the stuff he makes is done by others in his company he probably subdivided this as well.
Go there, straight up to the little cnuts, but be in a group. Eyeball them, tell them you've memorised their faces, and not to piss with you in future. Cycle off. They'll laugh at you when you're leaving, but they would've been affected. I doubt they'd try it with you when they see you, as they know you know other people who also know where they hang out.
i dont mean to be rude, but even if you were 6 foot tall and had massive muscles or whatever, if you said this they would still either attack you straight out or wait till you turned around before going for you. this isnt the 1950s, people who are willing to punch someone in the head for no reason, whilst cycling on a busy road dont care if you know what they look like.
anyone coming to critical mass tonight?
same place and time as every other month, but bound to be a slightly different route.