MA3K Sounds dope but I think the police would jump right on it after the first few hundred reports of number-adorned cyclists racing full out around the city of London.
This would be much larger than your run of the mill Friday night alleycat.- Steer clear of the Parliament Exclusion Zone - The police would no doubt use anti-terrorism legislation to halt any race - they would argue that a race was a 'protest' of some kind.
- Steer clear of the Parliament Exclusion Zone - The police would no doubt use anti-terrorism legislation to halt any race - they would argue that a race was a 'protest' of some kind.
aidan ahh thats a cool ride.....im still on the look out for a shopper!
I love shoppers !!!! I might start a whole *grown up men riding customized single speed shoppers scene*™
Or more simply the single speed shopper scene (SSSS™)
On my quest to find a shopper I came across these, might be of some interest to you:
(I really was looking for a Raleigh 'Twenty' but couldn't resist the internal cable routing on this PUCH, just like a Klein !!) -
photoben Hmmm... so how many people on the forum wear helmets then...?
photoben Hmmm... so how many people on the forum wear helmets then...?
Similarly to what I posted above about cycling listening to music (or audio books, anyone spent a day cycling around listening to Christopher HItchens 'God is Not Great' ? :) ) - there is a fairly sound argument that wearing helmets (especially amongst novices) is actually detrimental to their safety.
Around 15 years of cycling around London with my music on and no problems here.
Once you have ridden around with music playing on your phones and are acclimatized to it, you will realize it is the very least of your safety problems.
Taking your phones off will not stop a pedestrian walking out in front of you looking the other way, it will not stop a car turing into your path, nor a sudden stop from a driver who realises he has missed his turn, nor will it stop you loosing your front wheel on a wet white line.
And now it is time to suggest something controversial !
With music playing you tend to be much more aware of the traffic around you, you tend to look over your shoulder when making any move and the lack of (or reduction in) audible clues to your environment gives you a heightened visual awareness. Of course I could be wrong about this, but for me at least the loss of audible clues really sharpens up your senses.
I got one from http://www.charliethebikemonger.com/
£3 each, he is in Dorset.
Nonsense !
It is established knowledge that the manufacture of a car takes much more energy than the entire fuel consumption over a cars life time. (a credit to the efficiency of the car design)
This is often expressed, rather graphically, with the (correct) proposition that if you want to buy the most environmentally friendly car then you are best getting a second hand old banger (regardless of its fuel consumption profile) and running it until it dies. This, believe it or not, will cause less environmental impact than the purchase of even the most benign motor vehicle, even a hybrid or electric.
Put simply - an old Jaguar or Ford Escort run for an additional decade will use XXXX fuel (X = it's fuel consumption) - A brand new electric or hybrid run for the same decade would use XX fuel (let's call that half the fuel of the Jag/Ford) in addition to NNNNNNNNNNN (N = fuel used in the manufacturing process).
The car industry, rather conveniently, ignores the manufacturing process when selling.
My point is, fuel consumption is almost irrelevant (really I am not exaggerating here - look into it) in the wider picture as manufacture so heavily outweighs it with regard to fuel use.
Bike = good.
dicki ( julian ) dave, ban him he's slagging us off ! first and last post my friend ;-( nah i am sure we can take a little ribbing
have you looked at our uniforms ? no two alike hundreds of completely different peas in a pod
we each march to the beat of our own tune at the paradeMaybe you're right, I am sure within your ranks there is individuality, but like most theocracies it only takes the breaking of a single inerrant rule to distance the non conformer.
You know what I mean !
It all look good, I love the aesthetic/attitude (crucify me individually for each revelation/missuse of language) - but do you all not think you have all simply fallen for another uniform ? . . . to the point where technical details are preordained ? - this is almost something I can accept, but when you start sticking cards in you wheels I kind of feel it is all a little bit of a parade.
Of course I might be wrong.