Weather wasn't too bad, was it?!?
Had a nightmare start. After 15 miles the drive side of my old skool cup and ball Campag BB decided to unscrew. Cue miles and miles of riding on the little ring and in a poncy gear as to not strain it too much, along with stopping every 10 minutes to get it finger tight again. Went to the SRAM mechanical assistance at the first feed stop to be told in a very rude manner "we only do SRAM". Wankers. So ambled the route to the next feed at Aylesford, and then when the route dived left at East Malling I went straight on as my house is a couple of miles up the road in Leybourne. 20 minutes of swearing later all was fixed, and I went back onto the route proper.
Anyway, enough of that, my actual time was 8hrs 27 mins, while ride time was 7hrs 22mins. 15.6mph average, max 39mph. I reckon I lost 20 mins on the road with the wonky BB and (obviously) another 20 mins fixing the fucking thing. My mate who I was with hit the wall in spectacular fashion between Tunbridge Wells and Goudhurst so also I lost a bit of time there. Anyway, remember, it's not a race!!
I saw loads of fixies, all I can do is tip my hat and say chapeau!
velocity boy Doesn't look like they'll be much wind at all.
We just have light rain to deal with.
Looks like I need to get some overshoes of some kind.
That's the case on weather.co.uk but according to the BBC it's 16mph winds from the SSW!!!
Oh well, there's a few days for it all to change. We all know how crap the weathermen have been lately.
I've seen loads of posts with several indicators of people riding this on Sunday. How about everyone signs in here, then posts after the ride on their experiences of the day, times, photos, etc?
If no-one agrees then just shoot me down in flames!
And no, I'm not doing this ride fixed, although I'm sure several are. I've just sold an EAI sprocket on eBay to someone riding it fixed, he picks it up on Friday, I'll point him to this ever expanding forum!
Hi there! Gonna kill two birds with one stone here.
Been browsing the forum for a while now, I work with Brett. Currently trying to raise funds to complete the build of my fixie, hopefully it won't be too long!! Pics will follow once built, but basically it's a NYCBikes frame currently awaiting a spray job (see previous sentence!).
Anyway, here's one of my current bikes, I'm riding this on the Etape Anglais next week.
It's an early 90's Olmo running 10 speed Centaur with a 50/36 compact chainset. The paintjob is a pearlescent (flam?) Magenta, or pink as my mates call it. A few dinks here and there but I love it.
I also ride a hacked up old Carrera MTB and a Brompton but you don't want to see those.....
Anyway, hi everyone, hope to complete my build and see some of you soon (Brett excluded).
Don't listen to them, David! Just buy the fecker. I know I would if I could afford it, and I'm the slowest fecker around!
Hardly a case of "all the gear, no idea".