Took about an hour of Googling before I could find the part number. I did also read somewhere that they can be an arse to fit when new. I have had similar issues in the past on weather seals on classic Mini brake calipers. They can be a right bugger to fit!
Any idea where you can buy replacement seals?
edit messed up the ‘in reply to’ bit!! @sbbohr
You can buy a new one here if you have no luck : https://www.velozone.co.uk/products/campagnolo-ec-ch329-complete-left-shifting-lever
I believe it's the same design as an Ultra Torque road crankset, so a bolt tightened up clockwise from inside the non drive side arm. Obviously there's a tool made to fit that costs ten million dollars, but from memory it's a 10mm allen key fitting. The drive side crank will have a safely circlip that'll need removing before you can extract the crank.
Any update, Nick?