Puma Fixed Gear 101
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170146115629&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:UK:1The same item for free courtesy of Google search
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dicki but don't forget people Jan and Brick Lane Bikes started as a part time stall on Brick Lane rolling pieces out on blankets and selling stuff to the Sunday Market trade
It is difficult I know to work out who is legit and who isn'tflipside is - they had tables and they had stuff that was new (in boxes) and generally knew what they were talking about.
easiest way is to ask the price. if it's absurdly cheap, it's nicked.
wappingwarrior I take it it's not recommended to buy down there then?
the stalls which have licences are reasonably legit. brick lane bikes started off as a market stall, after all.
there are lots of randoms selling bits from blankets rolled out on the side of the road, and they aren't.
ditto full bikes - places which have permanent premises tend to be more legit (though far from guaranteed) than random blokes wandering around trying to offload single bikes (of which there are several, none legit).
if you want to buy random cheap/old/scuffed to fcuk second hand parts it's okay. but anything that looks too much of a bargain is probably stolen.
Was heading down Farringdon Rd and a cabbie rolled out of the side street by Clerkenwell Green without even touching the brake. Bastard. My front wheel hit his front wheel and I wnet over the bars into the bonnet.
Sprained my shoulder, it's painful but it'll heal pretty quickly.
And it could have been a hell of a lot worse! A motorcyclist got hit head on by a police van outside my office the same night, he definitely couldn't pick himself up. So am counting my lucky stars...
dicki you just have to plan your braking a block ahead !! dry the surfaces out and grind slowly to a halt it's almost like riding brakeless but not quite
maybe time to get rid of the raleigh or fix iti'm talking about situations where you don't have time to plan where and when you're going to stop.
a spokey is about 3 quid.
If it's just a couple of spokes it shouldn't take you longer than 30 mins to work out how to tension it up properly. Which is a darn sight quicker than traipsing to the LBS and hanging around for them to do it.
You really don't need to buy a new wheel.
I have ATACs and I never unclip unless I want to, even when the cleats are really worn. Never used SPDs, so can't comment on them.
I use clips and straps at the weekends if I'm just pootling around - clipless gives me much more power and control, so I prefer the ATACs for proper riding, but if I'm just ambling about the clips are fine. Plus they make me go slower, which isn't a bad thing if I'm off down the pub.
Only problem I've had is that cornering has to be decidedly more delicate with clips and straps, because they stick out more than my foot on the ATACs. I had a nasty pedal strike about a month ago because I forgot about that!
jv [quote]joe_b i have fairy hands as my workmates call them!
im ordering the bars from japan as they only come to £24 with postage(45 was about the cheapest i could find in the u.k),
so im gonna go for the 38's to be safe incase the 36's are a pain. its not much difference and i think having a bit more room for my hands on the top will be better.
thanks fr the replies:)less to do with big/small hands, more to do with shoulder width imo. are you getting cromo or alu? i hope you dont get stung by customs mate, thats the problem with ordering outside the eu £24 with shipping is bloody good though, can you post up the link where you're getting em from?
normally, yeah, shoulder width is key. but with the track bars you need also to worry about the space on the tops because the sweep is so dramatic.
jonaent (Jon) [quote]h2o 74. I can skid if I really want to but I don't really see the point. Stopping tends to work better.
I can stop too, skidding just makes it that little bit more fun. Add another reason why fixed wheel bikes are good![/quote]
I should have added a smiley, 'twas being facetious.
I emailed the seller to ask him if it could be downloaded from one of those various sites for free. His response:
It can. How do you think I got it? This is america after all. A hipster and his money are soon parted...*