Dave Yates' courses sound great http://www.daveyatescycles.co.uk/
hippy, fixed, 42-15/16/17?
velocity boy
TheBrick (Tommy)
Hovis Brown?
stompy (48x17)
brett (48x18)
scott not scot(48x18)
Stef ( 70.8")
MA3K (78.8 - 48 x 16)
stevesgonna have to ride gears for this - condor not going to get the frame finished in time...bloody paintshop! def not riding tubs on this one! oh - and i'm on the coach - actually got a spare ticket for it if anyone needs it - paypal somehow charged me twice... late booking so 23 quid if anyone needs it...no worries if not, i can get my money back on the night
jv is new cross - bought my steamroller...i think he tried powergrips