wow reminds me of an experience.. surely that's still the responsibility of the post/security room? I say that because when I got my planet x delivered to work, it was signed for by security in the post/security office and then I was informed (by phone), I went down a few hours later to collect ..and they couldn't find it so as you can imagine I went a bit nuts.
There was nothing in the signing book for me so they said "are you sure there is something here for you?" then basically fobbed me off with "if nothings in the book then we cant help you.." So I had to go back to my desk go to the tracking site for postage and show them "Andrew" had signed for it. Funnily enough no Andrew worked in post or security, long story short I looked around all of the basement and found the bike box wedged between two skips ..oh yeah CCTV wasn't working, maybe "Andrew" has a new job at your club mates work -
Ha! I'm in charge of sending the knuckle slap emails when people go postal on their data usage, so in true dictator style I send the mail then chuckle to myself and unpause Netflix while tethered on my laptop downloading a 800mb driver update.
Trouble is I believe the phone signal is shit in The Lamb and I was going to take the laptop down there and "work from home" ..but it might just be easier to bring booze into work -
Yep I had the same thing, ordered some cable couplers from the US so I could switch between drops and tri bars easily, forgot about them, next thing I get a email from the supplier saying they have been returned as no one paid the customs..
turns out the card got lost via the work post, so I had to pay for return shipping and the cost to ship them again, on top of the customs charge when they get here