Jontyponty OK people, here's one for you.
I ride a nice bashed up and quite wierd loooking old batavus for work (some kind soul put a londonfgss card in the wheel which lead me here), but my back up bike was stolen last friday. It's a standard issue ridgeback genesis day 03 (i know, I know), with all the trimmings, sans back wheel. some fucker, whom I'll come back to, broke in the window of the garage and stole it and my housemate's ridgeback somethingorother lady bike. (Ill get the details off her). Any way, we thought no more of it, scoured brick lane with no joy, and then at about 12 on saturday got a call from a nieghbour saying someone was in our shed. again. stupid fuck. our heroic housemate sam chased one of them and called the police, got in their van and caught the bastard!
which is all well and good, but no bikes have emerged so he's already sold it, or one of his cunting mates got there first. Anyway if you see a slightly battered genesis cruising around, with a mismatched back wheel and lots of chips on the top tube do what you will, in the spirit of sam the fearless bike thief catcher.
I believe i may be able to help you. what colour and size is it?
winston a length of heavy duty chain and a super-duper padlock from a hardware store will cost you about a third of exactly the same thing in a bike shop branded as a bicycle lock...
if thats what you think i hope you havent got a great bike because it will get nicked. those newyork noose/abus chains are nothing like normal chains u buy at a hardware shop, thats why they cost so much
fixedpip Nitto NJS Pro AAs are only available as 1" quill stems.
I'm guessing your Chris King is threadless and so is your fork so it ain't going to work. If you've got a 1 1/8" threaded set-up then you're pretty much SOL on any decent stem.
What you need is a threadless stem like the Deda Pista or CKT.
yep. so would CKT 35 degree stem with shim and nitto drops work? or would i be able to change the heaset?
Steves [url]http://www.cyclestore.co.uk/productDetails.asp?productID=9024[url]
oh i see what he means by flipped now, how ingenious!
hippy Not being funny, but, can you leave them at work? I leave my stuff in the office, ride in, change. Get it dry-cleaned near work and you don't have to carry it anywhere.
Course my sh1t is just thrown in a cupboard at the moment coz I don't have any fscking storage but they can get fscked for making me wear this sh1t again.. fscking cnuts.. I'm only sitting down in front of a computer - why does that require formal clothing?! Grrr (no pink shirt yet)could do i suppose - good idea! just embrace it hippy i too felt like a massive bellend but then i started getting into silver animal head cufflinks and ties and now i am practically patrick bateman
might get shot down by the crusties/anarchists amongst you but i need to pay the rent. What bag could be recommended to hold a suit and shirt without it geting creased to f**k?
i've seen a suit carrying 'device' in marks and sparks but i doubt its waterproof and is as big as an A2 portfolio. suggestions please.
photoben I've been looking at some Powergrips, then you can use your own shoes!
how? sounds interesting does anyone have a link or a picture?
many thanks
google is good:
^what a palava putting in a link!
^nice one cheers!