I love my blundstones and I’ve had a lot of boots. Up to bespoke hand stitched, gyw, all of it. They fit a nice niche of near sneaker like comfort (but not quite) and reasonably smart. They are about a million miles more comfortable than anything with a solid sole and the sole can be replaced with a bit of effort.
I’m thinking of getting this monstrosity to use as an office chair. https://www.amazon.co.uk/bigzzia-Ergonomic-Cushion-Reclining-Support/dp/B0C863CS3B/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.w258l3zOVb3Wv3vIIbL7OA8PoKKHc_naYmWc3A9DoB0na85qhnb0CVc3hdW5GMwDR1QQOt9x6nNQkvEV9JK_ESluE6-JHh_-LM0Sv6Rc9AetiPt0duzKvg5Ae0rgb80T-e6MxTFfubjsvuVw3KJDRvvYWu_6UwkePHufeiHvdxoCA24-OmeTiAGABIO20URTh534diDXd88bwzAcXXrOyg.fFzGyEHmLD3mGkNygAd2D3ET3-LRvW2yIL9HIWDslVM&dib_tag=se&keywords=gaming+chair&qid=1723182036&sr=8-13
Any reason to avoid it apart from crimes against aesthetics? Any other suggestions in this super cheap price category?
The manual that comes with it is all you need. Some people swear by the strap that comes with the 5000u but the strap on the 5610 is fine imo.