I looked for a thread but couldn't find one, so please delete if this is already covered
Right, those fucking advance stopping zones, what a waste of space. They are not a bad idea in principal (let cyclists get to the front and allow us to get in position to turn right etc).But I reckon I can count on one hand the number of time I've actually seen a driver pay attention to them. EVERY time I pull up to one, there's some cunt in an addison lee car, or a white van, or a bus, or even a fucking police car, pulled up right in the middle of the green paint.
Added to that, the fact that the one place they tell you to enter them (via the little lead in bit by the side of the kerb) is also THE ONE PLACE they advertise that we're all going to get killed by left turning trucks.
Seriously, I think we should start a campaign to either police them properly (fine drivers for entering them) or get rid of the fuckers. As this half effort at the moment is frankly dangerous
sorry, had to get that off my chest
People are stuck in places, not able to do their jobs and travel around the city freely. They are at risk of robbery or having their homes and cars destroyed and having their rights limited in the future.
Which is exactly how these 'yobs' have to live their lives every single fucking day, it's little wonder they are fucked off and ready to smash shit up. Constant fear, constant police harassment, no jobs, no freedom of movement, risk of mugging or robbery etc etc etc.
It's no surprise they are kicking off, looting and smashing the shit out of stuff. You're told that you are a mindless yob, an animal, trouble, scum often enough you act like that. Your constantly bombarded with images of the rich, and are forced to watch as the rest of society shuns your neighbourhood and it's little wonder that given the opportunity you loot the shit out of the mobile phone stores and foot locker.
Fair enough a lot of it is being done for shits and giggles, they see that the police are on the back foot and the middle classes are scared so they kick off even more for fun. But we all need to realise there's a reason as to why this exploded, and the last few governments have simply added fuel to this bonfire waiting to happen.
The answer to this is not more police and tougher sentences, the answer lies in a long hard look at our society and the ever growing gap between the haves and the have-nots. More equality is what is needed, not more water cannons
now correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to have worked.
I spent a week popping them through their letterbox and under windscreen wipers and since then I've not seen a single one parked in the bike lane.
I did notice that it's a single not double yellow outside their shop, and handily the sign with the times on has been removed. However the one across the street from their shop has a restriction till 7pm, so they are definitely not allowed to park their at 6pm.
I must admit I'm half tempted to walk back and forth across the zebra crossings in clerkenwell with a friend and a giant scaffold pole held between us, purely to ensure that some of the arrogant fucks who commute that way have to stop at a zebra once in their life.
Every day I see them flying through and missing people crossing by inches.
Most of all the thing that bugs me is if I stop, then I get some cunt nearly crashing into the back of me. The pedestrian starts to cross and some other cunt then flies past on my right nearly knocking said pedestrian over.
Drives me up the fucking wall
mother fuckers weren't parked in the bike lane last night when I cycled past. I was all amped to start my flyer campaign and they were leaving the bicycle lane clear.
regards the legality, I'll definitely double check, but I can't imaging any of the yellow lines don't count during the evening rush hour. I cycle past at around 18:30 daily and they are generally there. 11pm perhaps, but rush hour I doubt it.
So I commute along the hipster highway every day from Kingsland Rd to Leicester Sq.
And every day on my way home, I notice that the Foxtons on Clerkenwell Road
have got their cars parked up slap bang in the middle of the bicycle lane. EVERY FUCKING DAY.I've just made up these windscreen notices to pop in them as I cycle past
If anyone fancies joining me, I've popped a PDF up so that you can print out your own:
http://spacehijackers.org/images/projects/foxtons/foxtons.pdfGrumble grumble
I'm so glad to hear she's going to heal up, I too cycle through there daily and saw the scene.
written to Meg Hillier my local MP and probably MP for the old st roundabout
you too can write to her http://www.meghillier.com/
Hello Meg,
I've recently moved to the borough from whitechapel so I'm new to your constituency. As you're probably aware there has been a big campaign to make the roads safer for cyclists, especially regarding HGV's travelling around at rush hour in London. The other morning 24/02 on my way into work Old St roundabout was closed off due to a near fatal collision between a female cyclist and a skip truck. As I cycled up I saw her belongings strewn across the road and ambulances and police everywhere. The tragic thing was that isn't the first time this has happened, and probably won't be the last. Old St round-about is notorious for cyclists being knocked over, and more often than not it's due to them being in the blind spot of the HGV driver.
Something has to be done about this, from what I understand Boris has withdrawn funding from the HGV testing centre in London, and things are only going to get worse. More often than not it's female cyclists being hit by HGV's and I'm sick of my daily commute being peppered with the sight of injured or dead cyclists being put into ambulances. Please can you do something about this, it's literally killing off your constituents.
thanks for taking the time to read this.
where did you buy it from?
Evans will return a bike up to 28 days after purchase:
http://www.evanscycles.com/help/returnsjust give it a clean.
ok, price drop to £90 - honestly this wheel is virtually mint, completely true and runs buttery smooth
"Stripping the threads on your hub or lockring becomes a thing of the past with the Charge Shaker Rear Hub, a dedicated fixed gear hub. Being the first hub to use a 4 bolt pattern and two shoulders to secure the laser cut chromoly cog you can be assured that your gear will remain fixed. The bolt on axle gives security, is low profile and spins on super slick hi-grade Japanese sealed cartridge bearings."
For sale my blue/purple rear wheel, ONLY £90 (Price Drop)
Purple Charge Shaker hub (rrp £79.99)
http://www.evanscycles.com/products/charge/shaker-rear-hub-ec01979417t Charge Grater bolt on Sprocket (rrp around £13)
Blue Ambrosio Excellence TQB rim: (rrp around £60)
http://www.ambrosio.co.uk/ambrosio_wheels.htmsilver sapim spokes & rim tape
This wheel is next to perfect condition, barely ridden I picked it up with a complete bike that I bought but the colour wasn't for me.
more pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bristlypioneer/sets/72157624954878981/
it's the RPM cranks that came with the bike. same as these ones which were sold on here recently
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2439/3576429831_1f1c446e63.jpgJakejazzy has provisionally dibs the frame & forks etc. I'd prefer to sell as a whole, but incase no-one wants the whole thing I'll consider splitting.
For sale my Fuji Track converted into a trick bike.
54cm Fuji Track, new forks, new wheels, new bars
front wheel sky blue velocity deep V on formula hub
rear wheel pink velocity deep V on formula hubyes it barspins
original fuji track forks included too (incase you want to convert is back)
ratio 48 x 20 (might be 19) or 48 x 16 (fixed/fixed rear hub).
Hanging out with the LFGSS mob somehow converted my nice commuter track bike into a dayglo brakeless trick bike. Out went the stock wheels, in came new stronger deep v's, out went the track forks, in came tough mountain bike ones, out went the drop bars, in came risers etc etc etc.
It has some scrapes and scratches as you'd expect from a bike that's been used for tricks, however is in perfect running order and runs smooth.
I'm asking £320 ono
I'm based in East London, would prefer not to post, or split.
more images available here:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/bristlypioneer/sets/72157624611448859/ -
sounds perfect, is it machined or not (are they all machined?)
the blue/purple wheel is lovely, and seemingly the hub is pretty good, but it's the wrong colour and I can't be arsed rebuilding it with a purple rim. It's 32h
tonight would be perfect
Ok, here's my question.
What's the deal with BMX cranks on freestyle bikes? what's the benefit? are the stronger or is it that you can get smaller chainrings. Or is it just fashion?
I've just picked up a volume cutter, but it has 170mm cranks on it. Looking for something with shorter arms, what's my best (cheapish) option?
Anyone got a rear purple Halo Aerorage wheel for sale?
Happy to buy or swap for another rear from my growing wheel collection
have a blue ambrosio rim with purple charge shaker hub and 17t cog, silver spokes
have a silver formula hub laced to candy pink velocity deep v, silver spokes (no cog)
have cash monay -
aha, I guess my calling them Advance Stopping Zones and everyone else calling them Advance Stopping Line is the reason I couldn't find it on the search.
Ah well, they still right fuck me off they do