+1 that was an ace night, lovely to meet everyone again (and anew).
I was a bit dubious about the low ceiling of the floor below, but after seeing people a fair bit taller than me trying wheelies down there I soon calmed down. Top marks to Minh ai for the supergirl tricks, and thanks for the skip stop tips Object. It was like attending an evening class at parts, but with more beer.
see you all soon
Fuck Ipod's
I tend to sing at the top of my voice when I cycle.
There are sooo many numpties on the roads at the mo, the amount of near misses with people wandering across cross roads is ridiculous. They don't seem to understand that more experienced riders learn the timings of roads, order of traffic flow and understand the gaps, not just wander into it and hope for the best.
not sure if that was me or not. think there was a few wipeouts that evening.
personally i blame you actually. that was you looking like a chinese motorcycle display team after 5 mins wasn't it? impressive. but motivated me to step up my game a bit too soon! ;)
well if it's any consolation I came a cropper trying my new tricks outside the pub last night infront of my friends. Looked like a right plum I did.
Saw them catch 4 people at holborn this morning. Tried to shout at someone as they shot past us at the lights but they didn't hear. They got collared.
as was said above, how about they take on the motorist next week? I've yet to see ANYONE stop before the green cycle advance stopping area at lights and not just park in it. Plus the number of people on their mobiles is ridiculous. I even saw someone driving with a smirnoff ice in hand a few weeks back!
I'm helping a friend build her first fixed wheel bike and we're looking for a cheap 700c rear wheel to pop on a frame we found.
I guess we're looking to pay about £50 or so, if anyone has any laying around, please let me know. Will consider ones a bit out of true, left overs from people upgrading their off the peg's anything really.
yes! that was ace.
Lovely to meet everyone, we had a whole little beginners mob at one end of the carpark (Hello Peter,Johan and everyone else). Thanks to all the pro's for being so patient and teaching us the ropes. I've been commuting on my bike for 3 years now but never had so much fun on it, the ride into work this morning was full of track stands and skids.
Thanks for lending the tools, and hello to roxy (I think) who nearly made me come a cropper when she arrived just as I was trying my first one handed trackstand.
I'll definitely be back next week, top marks everyone.
out of interest, I've tried searching but cant find the location of NE polo tonight?
East Drinks i've found though so maybe i'll head there?