christ alive, I am aching like an OAP this morning!
Thanks to Julio and Sano for the wheelie tips, I managed about 5m of actual wheelie at one point, Fred even has some proof for me to show to my friends!
It seems to be turning into quite a social, perhaps next week we should bring up a BBQ? Also a few more treats for the guard. I gave him a beer and he was happy as pie.
see you all next tues.
Spotted Julio on my way into work this morning, I was half asleep so sorry if I was a bit vacant.
This was mainly due to spotting a girl called Posey and boy called Steve last night. After shouting "do a skid" at them, and getting the finger in reply, they kindly invited my gatecrashing friends and I to a house party! Top marks, lovely to meet you both!
I had an egg thrown at me on the way home from east drinks a week or two ago,
I chased down the car (not sure what skinny old me was going to do when the four of them got out).
right past a police station with waiting patrol car outside.
skidded to a halt, "officer, that car, silver fiesta just threw an egg at me! "
"ok son, we'll get them"
Police car screeched off in pursuit, and I tootled off home.
top evening!
when we were cleaning up at the very end we cleared up all the cans, and then found a pair of black knickers!!!!! oooh er missus!
I was thinking of popping them up on ebay to make my fortune:
ITEM DESCRIPTION - Trixie Chix Knickers, found after an evening of wheelies on a london carpark roof.
BUY IT NOW - £5000
However beigels called and I missed out on my get rich quick scheme.
of course they could have been left by one of the boys too, but I don't like to think about that.
I use limewire to download and itunes to play.
I actually bought a fair amount of tunes from the itunes store and have since discovered that the AAC file format they come with is incompatible with any of the Dj software I use. Traktor, Djay etc.
pile of arse, with itunes 8 you cant even burn protected files to a CD in order to convert them to mp3. Bloody useless.
I've tried that, and it works for recording from the ipod to the tape, but won't play out loud. grrrr.
I think it's going to be a case of taking the back off, cutting the cables from the tape input and connecting them to a mini-jack cable. I think the ipod nano i've got might even fit inside the tape deck too, so the whole thing could be done inside with no wires etc hanging out.
Bristly - I may have found an answer to your tape/stereo problem
That is truly a beautiful thing, I'm going to see if I can bastardise mine to do something similar, and possibly save the £195 though. Still, a beautiful beautiful idea.
i dont want to start an arrogant internet argument, but why did you get a lo pro if you want to do tricks, having risers defeats the point of having a lo pro. you wouldnt do a rally in an arial atom so why do this?
I don't just want to do tricks, it's my daily bombing around on bike, commute bike, everything bike, I just like to dick around on Tuesdays. The risers don't completely defeat the low pro, the stem goes down as much as they rise up.
and at the end of the day, I think the bike looks lovely like that and I can build a stupid bike if I like. ;-)
Ok a bit late as I finished it a few weeks ago, but here is my lovely Pearson. Frame bought from Smeear on this forum.
It's sooo much fun to ride, although switching from spd pedals to toe clips has been 'interesting'.
the rear wheel is currently stolen from bike number 2, because I can't decide which colour to make one for this?
LFGSS saddle dangler dangling with pride off the back!
The Carriages apparently are art studios- may be utter bullshite
My friend use to rent one of them, for his film company, they're not actually that expensive, although the only way up was via a REALLY REALLY shakey bit of scaffolding.
the people in the train under his were a graffiti/graphic design crew, hence all of the changing designs all the time.
Jeez, I haven't skated for about 10 years but still have my board. Maybe we should organise a LFGSS sesh somewhere.
Sounds like a plan!
I'd definitely be up for cycling off to skate somewhere.
weather isn't looking too hot at the mo though.
I know a few people on this forum are cantelowes regulars, I used to go regularly on a monday night, and it's always a nice session (quite quiet, not too many grems).
it wasn't the pulling up with the arms that did me in, it was the coming crashing back down to earth!