well, you all missed out. I traded some old brake levers and gear parts for a lovely new pair of altura winter cycling gloves and some pink spokey dokeys!
then headed off to the hijacker swap shop, got a whole new outfit, for free, shut down topshop for a bit, got arrested, cuffed and put in a police van, got released without charge, got banned from oxford street, met with the hijackers again, started a street party, blocked off the road by seven dials and danced with a gang of misfits through the night.
a fine Saturday afternoon!
Hello All,
Just thought I'd drop you a line about this which is taking place in the Townhall I help run with the Space Hijackers (http://www.spacehijackers.org )
Special Event: Bicycle Bits Swap Shop, 29 November
Bring along any spare bike bits you don't want anymore and come along if you're looking for any bike bits. You can clear out some of your junk or at last get that bicycle project finished. 11am - 3pm Limehouse Town Hall, LondonCoincides nicely with Buy Nothing Day.
On a side note, the Hijackers will be hosting our own BND action in TopShop (without their permission of course)
http://www.spacehijackers.org/html/welcome.html -
Depending on the guard, they do tend to wander around. Some are more friendly than others, one is ace.
I'm not sure if I can make it this tues (may be out at a friends Birthday), but promise to be back with new batteries asap. If you're thinking of coming along for the first time do, honestly although there is a lot of talk of one handed wheelies etc, there are always people learning to trackstand/skid etc. Plus everyone is really helpful, all the cool kids started somewhere, so they've all been through it, and as far as I've seen they are all really eager to give you tips etc.
See you all soon.
things I have learnt at trixie dix, since turning up not being able to even trackstand
1) Trackstands are easier if you turn the front wheel more than you think you should, for me it works best about 75 degrees, also sitting down makes it easier, you get more control even though it feels harder at first
2) Skids are easier with a spinny gear (I run 48 x 20) the most important thing with skids is to get forward and literally hump the handlebars. You'll find one foot is stronger than the other, so its easier to skid one way
3) one foot over the bar skids, the way to get into this is to take one hand off, whilst still sitting down, lift your foot up onto the bars, then when your foot on the pedal is at the top of the rotation, step forward with the other foot. This way it's all one movement, to get your foot over the bars, and push around to lock into the skid. Once again, it's all about getting forward, hump that stem
4) cycling through the frame. easy peasy, simply lock your leg whilst peddling at the bottom of the roatation, it will then lift your body up and you can step over the top tube, then just slip it back through and pedal like a king.
more to follow as I learn ;-)
narrow DOF FTW.
ta mate, can´t wait to see your, I think BP just about fell off the moment I snapped that shot.
Fell off? Never! I carried on for the length of the carpark!
Nice one, great photo's. Another great evening, and lovely to see everyone again. Just you all wait, next week crabtree and I are going to have this wheelie palava nailed down.
Bristly are we still rockin' mixtapes or is it strictly ipod action these days?
I cater for all! feel free to bring mix tapes as my ipod may well be flat by the time I hit the carpark roof.
see you all later.
FatPants I'll be wearing a leary red and white striped jumper and riding a blue pearson low pro if you fancy hooking up on the way to trixie dix.
to be honest, thankfully it was really really cold, so I had massive gloves on. Hand is all black and blue with a cut across one of my knuckles but nothing broken. It should heal fine in a few days, it was more the shock and impressive acrobatics that I pulled off that made it worth writing home about.
should have taken the details, I even had a print out of Roxy's "what to do in case of an accident" in my bag.
One nice thing was that a number of suits came up to me after the incident to check I was alright and to say they were on my side. so perhaps they're not all cunts after all.
Ouch, my fucking hand.
Cycling into work yesterday along the cycle lane from St Pauls to Holborn Viaduct, happy as pie.
BANG, fuck, somersault!
fucking taxi let someone out whilst sat stationary in a traffic jam, car door straight into me, hand all mangled, handlebars bent, Bristly Pioneer upside down on the fucking pavement.
The taxi driver claims it's my fault, as the bit where they hit me was a bus stop rather than the cycle lane, and I shouldn't have undertaken. I claim if that's the case he shouldn't have stopped in the bus stop.
I claim it's his fault as if he's going to let someone out he should
a) look
b) indicate
c) pull in not just open the door 3ft from the kerbperhaps it's a bit of both, but my hand fucking hurts, and is black and blue.
Am I totally in the wrong? or am I justified in calling him a cunt?
Not sure if I can make this week. I'll be up at a funeral in the morning in Bradford, so doubt i'll be back till late. You may have to bring along another stereo to dance to.
p.s. HEY FRED, WHERE'S MY PICK OF ME DOING A WHEELIE? I've got a hot date and she doesn't believe a word of my boasts about the mad skillz i've been putting down.
See you all soon
it truly is a fucking disgrace the way the police act, the people who prioritise what they focus on (the government) really couldn't give a monkeys about low level crime. Instead the police spend all their time harassing protesters etc as they give the government shit.
the last arms fair protests I was involved in had £4.5 million spent on police over 3 days! £4.5 fucking million. With a budget like that they could pretty much instantly clean up all bicycle crime in the city and actually make a difference to peoples lives instead of just protecting some surplus cunts who sell weapons to corrupt regimes.
in response to cliveo
exactly, it's simply a case of upping the interest of the police, bicycle thiefs are pretty low priority, rival vigilante forces replacing them come quite high up the list.
You don't actually have to kick off, you just need to persuade the police that you might, and hey presto they should turn up.
Surely once you've arranged to meet the oik in question, you phone the police and tell them, if they still refuse to come, you explain that you and your mates are going to beat seven shades of shit out of them. That there is a forum of angry cyclists willing to get involved in some vigilante justice.
the police then have no option than to up the level of their interest from stolen bicycle to pre-meditated violent incident/ potential ABH
I'm sure a few of these incidents and their response to most people will be a lot more interested. Perhaps we should even set up a vigilante bike thief response thread, just to give the police even more reason to turn up and give a shit?
fuck, it's going to be cold tonight, but I have new batteries for my stereo so I'll be there and ready to pop some badass wheelies.
rocking my new howies cycling top which I got in their sample sale too.
game on.
anyone who doesn't want to listen to my dubious music taste should bring a tape.