There isn't an option for "mostly bike some tank"
on average how many girls come along to trixiedix? been riding fixed for a while now and think it's about time I started working. Do you get lots of inept people coming along? coz i don't want to stand out like some sort of a sore, female, cant even skid yet thumb.
The whole point of trixie dix was to have a space for beginners to practice, so people are really really helpful. There are usually a few girls knocking around, so don't be shy.
I'd just like to point out I've been at work since 5AM this morning! fucking alarm went off and I had to come in to check we weren't being robbed! so I may not be on top form this eve.
Do you have a logo for the Prince Charles for the spoke card? Always good to give credit.
.you can get one here:
not a massive prize but I can give 5 pairs of tickets to the Prince Charles Cinema.
I'm not sure if I can make the alleycat, but if you PM me names of winners I'll put tickets aside at the box office for them.
it was quite a nice night.
mince pies and mulled wine, plus at least one christmas song on the stereo!
Sorry I missed you at the beigel shop teddy, I cycled off and realised I'd left my lock at home so no leaving the bike whilst I bought beigels for me.
I reckon I definitely got one wheelie (3 rotations according to sheldon :-) Crabtree was leading the class with 4 though.
the tips we are getting are building up, it's quite a list to remember
1) make the ooof noise
2) sit your bum back in the saddle
3) it's in your feet not your arms
4) keep your arms straight to keep you lent back
6) lean your head back
7) pedal less, keep it slowetc etc etc, my small amount of braincells only seem to remember 4 or so of the list each time, and I end up plummeting off to one side or the other.
anyway see you all soon.
PJ I'll ask my friend about that flat
I definitely saw him do a 'proper' wheelie last time I was down. I think we decided that any more than 3 pedal rotations with the front in the air was 'officially' a wheelie.
that is the law, I'm sure there must be a sheldon page on it somewhere.
I'll try and tinsel up my bike or something for tonight.
I'll be there.
I had a plan to build up my other bike and give them a go on that, as the low pro is quite a lurch to get up in the air. Not sure if I'll have time though.
see you on the roof.
anyone bringing any mulled wine this week? It's the trixie dix christmas special!
we should have a christmas sound track, mince pies and more.
Yes, it still happens every tues.
Don't know if I can make tonight though, I'm going for a lesson in building drupal websites from a friend, which is lucky as I've just taken on some freelance work building one, and haven't a fucking clue what I'm doing!
So there may be no tunes, if it ends early I'll rock up with the stereo though, I've got new winter socks and everything.
See you all soon
This is mine, 650 on the front, but as has been said before, the risers make a difference.
it took a bit of getting used to, but it's fine now no real back ache, just more tired arms if anything. It' super whippy around town though and for my commute 20mins, it's perfect. Plus there is almost no toe overlap with a small front wheel which is a bonus.
coz they come in stupid colours innit
like durr