A bloke on a mountain bike this morning cycling up towards Shoreditch up from Liverpool St with only one leg! very impressed.
i've seen this guy before—he had one crutch and when he had to stop at a light he would just pop it down, otherwise he rode with it straight out in front like he was jousting.
someone should tell him about fixed gear bikes, it'd save him a lot of effort, or at least he'd be more efficient... -
1.shootthebreeze 1 rabbit medium
- VanUden 1 Rabbit XL, 1 Airfix XL
- yebo 1 Airfix XL, 1 Airfix L
- PaNo 1x Medium Rabbit
- tomasito WAC small x1
- Dylan 1x rabbit....large
- Synthman Airfix, Medium x 1, Rabbit, Medium x 1
- fred Meduim, any design RABBIT
- Dzidzor Airfix, Medium x 1, w.a.c, medium x 1, rabbit medium x1
- Kingmob one medium rabbit
- livingasleep medium rabbit x1, medium airfix x1
- plignboot "Medium Bamboo rabbit" x1
- Paulio large rabbit x1
- becnis airfix small x1
- cg5154 airfix or rabbit S x1
- Murtle WAC x1 M
- benanza WAC x1 M
18 Donut M rabbit x1 - b3ans Large (one of each)
- DocA WAC L x1
- Caleb M rabbit x1
- cori2382 Airfix, Medium x 1
- Getafix Airfix XL x1
- krusty Airfix, Medium x 1
- KingMob medium rabbit & airfix
- spagettihoops anything in medium RABBIT
- Kirth Airfix, Medium x 1, Rabbit, Medium x 1
- the Other, Airfix, Small x1 OUT OF STOCK, ORDER SOMETHING ELSE
- Broker: WAC XL x1, Rabbit XL x1
- ro-LAND: Airfix med x1
- dancing james airfix med X1, WAC med x1
- BringMeMyFix: Airfix/Medium/Bamboo x1, please :)
- flip: Airfix/medium/bamboo x 1; Rabbit/medium/cotton x 1, thankyouplease
- VanUden 1 Rabbit XL, 1 Airfix XL
a roadie nutting himself on his toptube as his foot slipped out of his clipless pedals turning from shepherdess walk onto city road. he just sat there crunched up on the toptube for a while, trying to get his foot back in. lucky it wasn't fixed.
and some guy doing circles and backwards circles on stoke newington common right outside my house. red and white bike, pale green risers. very nice. thought about shouting nice bike or do a skid, or some such, but a bit weird when i'm just sitting here on the forum looking out my window. maybe should have shouted "you're being spotted @ ... right now!" -
hello, just wondering if this is happening tomorrow. would like to swap cogs and have no chainwhip/lockring tool, etc. nor have i ever done it previously, so i don't want to end up with a slipping lockring and/or bleeding knuckles...
am heading to the shop now and will pick up some carlsberg just in case it is up and running tomorrowcheers
hey eeehhhh,
this sounds eerily similar to a problem i've been having for ages. i hear and feel a sort of clicking at certain points but had no idea what it was for a long time.i thought i'd finally figured it out—my chainring is extremely close to the chainstays (wide enough to slip a spoke card in, maybe a bit wider), which wasn't a problem for the first six months or so, but when i looked closely at the chainring spinning slowly it seemed to be rubbing the stay slightly at certain points, hence the clicking. i checked again this morning, though, and could feel it clicking, but it was hard to tell if the chainring was actually touching the frame at those moments. after reading your post, i'll try spinning the cranks with the chain off in the morning and see if that's what it is. it's probably unlikely, but is there any chance this is what's happening with your chainring (ie, it's rubbing the stays at certain points)?
what also struck me about your post is that there seems to be lateral movement in my chain, too, except it doesn't move side to side, just looks as though the chain is bent to the side and then bends back again. [sorry if this isn't clear, mechanics aren't my forte and i'm finding it hard to describe, let alone fix] i always thought it was the chain just being full of grit, or slightly bent, but it's a fairly new chain, so i don't know what's wrong.
anyway, let us know if you figure out what is wrong and manage to fix it, i'm curious to know if we have a similar problem, and/or whether this is a common issue for fixed/singlespeeds. cheers.
my login is the same on the nyc forum, which i found out accidentally after requesting a password and never hearing back from them. worth a shot...
as for skate spots, you need this: http://www.officialnewyork.com/spots/
there used to be one that was even better, but i can't remember what it was - haven't lived in nyc since '05. but have fun... -
winston Bicloune was my LBS when I lived in Paris....nice shop back then, long time ago now though....
bicloune are great. marco would look at me like i was a nut when i'd come in and not know the french names for parts, then he'd speak to me angrily in english and sort my bike out. just as i left in june i started meeting guys who rode fixed; they told me there were about 30 of them, and that was 9 months ago. surely the scene is growing. and didn't they have a big party at colette for the BFF?
just so you know, no matter how well you pack it, they are likely to open your case. luckily the case (much like the one in the picture) stayed shut with its two remaining clasps.
[let me clarify: the clasps were broken to start with, i tied the case shut with bungee cords, tape, nylon straps. when i landed at gatwick, it was in a very different state, though closed and with nothing missing. i consider myself lucky. the case is in an attic in wolverhampton, otherwise i'd offer it]also, i only flew with a bike one way (JFK to Gatwick), and there were no questions asked. don't see why it should be a problem for you. also, with that case, i managed to pass it off as a normal suitcase and didn't have to pay the extravagant bike fees, just $25 overweight
I have a few things that I'm going to get rid of, but I thought I'd check to see if they could be of any use to anybody before just leaving them out with the bins.
2 x Schwalbe 700x25 beaded clinchers (Not very used at all, but came on a lightly used bike. Replaced them with gatorskins after the first puncture. They still look OK to me, but I've got no use for them.) GONE
2 x IRC Triathlon 700x20 beaded clinchers (These came on another used bike I got; I rode them for a few years with no problems until I moved to London and switched to 700x23 gatorskins in the winter.) GONE
That stuff might actually be useful. I'm not sure about this, though. I've got a set of wheels where the rims are screwed, as is one of the hubs. However, one of the hubs looks like it might be salvageable. Some of the spokes are broken and/or bent, but some of the spokes are fine. I don't know what make anything is, but they're certainly of better quality than the wheels above. If for whatever reason you're interested in any of this, let me know. GONE
Collection in Stoke Newington.
NB - Having some difficulty getting all the pics to load, so if you need to see others, just ask. Hopefully this will be OK, though.