Some of my mates are getting work from http://bizzby.com
What's with all the hating on Gareth? Guy admits where he's wrong, and having followed his youtube videos he's stated he doesn't confront drivers any more and hasn't done in over a year.
Funny they didn't show any of these videos he does: http://www.youtube.com/user/sillycyclists
The taxi driver he had the altercation with that they interviewed looked a prize plum though - "i'd already overtaken him, why'd he hit my taxi?" err, if you HAD already overtaken him then he wouldn't have been able to ... oh, never mind.
(full disclosure, I have met the guy and he's a good bloke)
The guy on the bike had plenty of room,any decent rider could see that,he had a camera and probably had a youtube opportunity.Which is his shtick.
@ dglshrn Why is he being a troll? Thats a perfectly reasonable point of view.
I would like to see BFF refuse to have any more of Brunelle's films screened, at least in London anyway.
Its the cycling equivalent of boy racers doing illegal joyriding through suburbs and posting their dumb, dangerous, macho videos on youtube.
Fuck him and the people that ride like that. I dont care how much of a 'line' you think you see between pedestrians.Fuck you.The BFF was built on courier culture,like this site was and your poxy stick hockey.I'll come to your polo meets at kids' playground's and have it out with you if you fancy it.Fucking polo nerd.
He abused two players. It is inappropriate for a referee to abuse players. A referee should be above that. One of the players is black and there was a racial element to that abuse. This is also inappropriate. A formal complaint has been made. Curiously, Rio Ferdinand who is free with his comments for the rest of the year, has nothing to say on the subject.
Holy shit!Will this change the result?
It does look as though it was a dive for the red card.
Wrong red card mind.
JT would've complimented him as he went down.
The "can you do better" argument never really works. Shaq wasn't very good from the freethrow? Can I shoot better no, still doesn't mean Shaq wasn't shooting bricks, no?
Don't you just feel that after 2 minutes of any of his films you've seen all you're going to see and there are no further developments, you can just superimpose any other chaotic junction scenario onto another.
I agree with you on this,most of Line of Sight is footage that has been shown before and once you've seen one alleycat you've seen them all.I do think Lucas should make more in-depth films on the" courier scene".
Got you there,Josh.X